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Convicted felons can never own a firearm or vote.

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11y ago

It depends on how many bullets are in the gun, but it is usully 7 years a bullet.

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14y ago

Please refer to RCW 9.41.040.

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Q: How many years does a felon get for a loaded gun?
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What does a first time felon get for a loaded gun in nyc?

5 years

How much prision time can a felon get for having a loaded gun in Oklahoma?

Both the state and the federal prison sentences for felon in possession of a firearm, make no distinction as to whether the weapon is loaded or not. The federal rap can be up to 15 years in prison.

Can a felon own a black powder gun without ammo?

No. A felon in any state is not allowed to possess any type of gun, regardless of if it is loaded or if ammo is available.

What does felony possession of a loaded firearm mean?

A felony is a crimnal act that can be punished by one year or more in prison. There are places where it is highly illegal to possess a loaded gun. If you are found to have a loaded gun in one of those places, that is the criminal charge that would be brought against you. Please be sure that you did not mean "Felon in possession of a loaded firearm". If you were convicted of an earlier felony, you lose your right to possess a gun. To be a felon in possession of a loaded gun is a separate crime. You should seek legal advice from an attorney in your state.

Can a felon own a gun after being clean for 35 years?


Can a class h felon have a gun?

no felon can own or purchase a gun

When can a convicted felon own a gun after finishing probation?

you may after 90 years

Can a felon sell a gun to gun shop?

no In the U.S. a felon cannot possess a gun at all, unless the felon's rights have been restored.

What is loaded into a gun?

A round is loaded into a gun. The gun is then cocked and then fired.

Can a non felon drive in their car with a loaded handgun?

The majority of states prohibit driving with a loaded handgun unless the person possessing the gun has a carry permit. Some states do allow keeping a handgun loaded in the car but require that it be locked away. Texas is interesting - loaded guns must be out of sight. Other states, like Maryland, are incredibly anti-gun and take their laws seriously. In California, if you carry a loaded gun or part of a gun (e.g. a loaded clip) in the car and it is not in a locked container, you will go to jail and you will be charged with a felony.

Can the son of a felon own a gun?

Yes. The felon cannot have access to the gun.

What is the least sentencing for a felon possessing a gun in Texas?

5 years federal prison