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The greenhouse effect has been keeping the earth warm for millions of years. But the global warming that the world is worrying about now started about 260 years ago, at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution (around 1750), when man started digging up coal and oil and burning it for industry, transport and to generate electricity.

This fossil fuel burning releases age-old carbon dioxidethat had been hidden underground for 300 million years. This extra CO2 is too much for the carbon cycle to deal with so it remains in the atmosphere, getting warmer and warmer as the months go on.

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1d ago

Global warming has been a significant issue for several decades, with evidence of increasing temperatures dating back to the late 19th century. However, the more pronounced effects of global warming and its widespread recognition as a pressing environmental concern have become prevalent in the last few decades.

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Has there been global warming for the past 11 years?

Yes, the ten hottest years on record have all occurred since 1998.

What are some solutions that have been suggested for global warming?

There have been many solutions suggested to combat global warming. Some solutions that have been suggested include lowering the emissions of greenhouse gases and planting more trees that can absorb the carbon dioxide to reduce global warming.

How many years ago was it when there was no global warming?

250 years ago we seriously began burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This was the start of the Industrial Revolution, and the beginning of Global warming.

How many pages does The Discovery of Global Warming have?

The Discovery of Global Warming has 240 pages.

How might global warming affect us in 30 years?

In 30 years, global warming may affect is by changing our climate. This will change many things, such as vegetation and energy. It may also increase skin cancer.

Where is the Earth Affected by Global Warming?

The Earth is affected by global warming all around the globe, but some regions experience more pronounced impacts than others. These can include rising sea levels affecting coastal areas, more frequent and intense heatwaves, changing patterns of precipitation leading to droughts or floods, and shifts in ecosystems and wildlife distribution. Ultimately, global warming affects the entire Earth system, impacting both natural environments and human societies.

Who is against global warming?

Yes, many people are against global warming, but there is always the odd one that is all for I say we hunt them down and ask what is so good about global warming its going to kill us eventually :( Im very sad and hate global warming but if we stay clean and tidy and don't litter we should slow it down a couple of years

How many pages does The Real Global Warming Disaster have?

The Real Global Warming Disaster has 368 pages.

How many global warmings have been taking place all around the world?

There have been various periods of warming and cooling through the history of the earth. They typically last for thousands of years, often tens of thousands. At the moment there is only one global warming taking place. This one has been happening since 1850 and is the fastest the world has ever seen.

Which area of the globe is warming the most from global The Arctic climate change?

Global warming has not been proven to be true. Many believe there is a hole in our ozone and that it is causing the icebergs to melt which in turn will flood the world.

How old is global warming?

Global warming as a concept has been recognized since the late 19th century, but its significant impacts on the Earth's climate and environment have become more pronounced in the last few decades due to human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels.

Is both global environment and global warming is same?

Not quite, though they are very closely connected. Global warming is the warming of the earth. This is causing climate change, which is the many different changes in climate that are beginning to happen.