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On May 2, 1938, President Franklin Roosevelt signed into law the bill establishing November 11 as the U.S. federal holiday of Armistice Day, commemorating the armistice that ended World War I on November 11, 1918. By the time it became a federal holiday it was already a state holiday in all 48 states. On June 1, 1954, President Eisenhower signed into law the bill expanding the scope of the holiday to honor all U.S. war veterans rather than just World War I veterans and changing the name to Veterans Day. On June 28, 1968, President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the bill that included changing the date of the federal holiday from November 11 to the fourth Monday of October. Because most veterans' associations were against the change, and because most states either never changed the date of their Veterans Day observances or changed it back to November 11, the bill changing the date of the federal holiday back to November 11 was signed into law by President Ford on September 13, 1975.

So to answer the question, November 11, 2013 was the 60th observance of Veterans Day as a U.S. federal holiday by that name.

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How many years has American celebrated Veterans Day?

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Why is Veterans Day celebrated on that day?

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where is veterans day celebrated Veterans Day is celebrated in many countries on their own designated days. In the US it is celebrated on 11/11 as that was the day and time that the peace accord was signed ending WWI. We celebrate Veterans Day for those men and women that gave their lives so we can live in freedom. Freedom isn't free.

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Veterans Day is celebrated for all the veterans that risked their lives to get freedom by rithik

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Veterans Day in the US is always on November 11.

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In the U.S., Veterans' Day is celebrated on November 11th each year.

When is Veterans Day celebrated?

11th November

What day is set aside to observe Veterans day?

Veterans Day is celebrated on November 11 each year.

What day and month do you celebrate Veterans Day?

Veterans day was most recently celebrated on November 11th, 2013.