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Per day, you usually eat for about 1 hour... depending on the tempo. You usually take longer when eating out but let's just stay with an hour for now. Multiply by 365 days An averagefull life is about 78 years. Ergo, 365 x 78 = 28,470 hours. But also 28,470 is also how many days you live for on average. Now, you asked about how many years. 24 hours in a day... divide 28,470 by 24 and you have 1,186.25 days. 365 days in a year. 1,186.25 divided by 365 = 3.25 ANSWER: 3 years and 3 months approximately. I didn't add the leap year days because that depends what year you were born. I could be way off, or really close but I did this in five minutes. I hope I've answered your question. So three years and three months approximately.

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Q: How many years of a persons life will they spend eating on average?
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How many hours a year does the average person spend eating?

On average, a person spends around 1 hour per day eating. This adds up to approximately 365 hours in a year.

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How much time is spent eating on average in a lifetime?

it was in the London times that the average person spends 6 years and ten months eating in his or her 70 year life time.