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There are thousands of years of tradition in The Bible but probably only 500 to 600 years of real history.

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Q: How many years of history are in the Bible?
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How many years are there in the Bible?

There are 31072 years in the Bible.

Why can't people add to the Bible?

We cannot add to the bible because it is the scriptures of what the lord and jesus did many years ago, if we added to the bible people could take things out as well which would destroy our history

How many books are in the history in the bible?

There are 66 books of the Bible. Most of the 66 have some history in them. There are only about 2 that don't.

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In The Bible, the Israelites wandered for forty years before they entered Canaan.In history, on the other hand, there was no Exodus from Egypt and no militiary conquest of Canaan as described in the Bible. The Israelites did not travel from Egypt to Canaan.

How far back in history does the bible go?

Read literally, The Bible posits that the world was created between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago.

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The bible was written over a period of 1500 years.

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Baseball was never mentioned in the Bible. Baseball was not invented until many, many years after the Bible was written.

How many years did the bible develop?

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The bible does not mention the number of years.

Was The Bible written in one sitting?

No, the Bible was written by over 40 authors who lived in different periods of history, over a total of about 1600 years.

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oral history , written history , history reccounted

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The bible is the top selling book for many many years now.