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Q: How many years of life experience is required to become a college choir director?
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What experience does one need to become a sales director?

Aside from college and/or technical training, the experience required to become a sales director includes a background as a sales associate (i.e. retail, customer service, etc.).

How many years of experience is required to become a finance director?

From what I can find, there is no set amount of time to become a finance director. I have read that if you work in a mid to large size company that you may likely become a financial director within five years.

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There are a number of different qualifications required in order to become a college recruiter. Typically these qualifications include a Bachelor's degree and experience in marketing and recruitment.

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There is no right way to become a fashion director. But usually they have extensive experience in design or related creative fields.

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The education required to become an American banker is a high school diploma in some circumstances. Some banking positions may require some college or experience to be eligible for hire.

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To be an actress you are specifically required to have any type of education. The type of education and experience will vary with what role you go out fore. Although it can help to have done some acting in college or high school it is ultimately up to the casting director.

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There are no specific experiences required, just completion of a DVM or VMD degree from an accredited college of veterinary medicine.

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Yes; you will be required to have an MLIS degree to be a library director.

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The amount of education required to become a dental sales rep depends on the company you want to work for. Sometimes a college degree is necessary and other times they want sales experience.

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To become a financial analyst you must have graduated high school and have some type of college degree. Most places offer training and experience is also needed.