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(discovered in 1822 found in 1799)

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Q: How many years passed from the discovery of the Rosetta stone and its deciphering?
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What was the Rosetta stone and why was its discovery important?

It contained the same message in three languages including the Egyptian and thus contributed to deciphering of hyeroglyfes.

Was the book of the dead the key to deciphering ancient hieroglyphics?

No. The key to deciphering hieroglyphics was the Rosetta Stone.

Basalt slab key in deciphering hieroglyphics?

Rosetta Stone

What is the name of the ancient tablet that provided a key to deciphering hieroglyphics?

The Rosetta stone.

This object discovered by the French in 1799 was the key to deciphering ancient hieroglyphs?

The Rosetta Stone.

What aided scientists in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics during the 19th century?

the Rosetta Stone

What questions did the Rosetta Stone help Historians answer?

Historians were able to decipher hieroglyphics after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone.

Why is it called the Rosseter stone?

The Rosetta Stone is named after the town of Rosetta (Rashid) in Egypt where it was discovered in 1799. It became significant because it had inscriptions in three scripts, which helped in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphics.

What discovery lead to the decoding hieroglyphics?

the Rosetta stone.

How old is the Rosetta stone today?

The Rosetta Stone was carved in 196 B.C. Napoleon's troops rediscovered it in 1799.

What discovery allowed for the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The hieroglyphics of Egypt are one of the oldest forms of the written word known to man. The discovery of the Rosetta stone made it possible to read the hieroglyphs.

What discovery was Hernando most well known for?

the the Rosetta Stone