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Q: How many years was Liberia colonized by the us?
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What two nations in Africa were not colonized by Europeans?

Ethiopia and Sudan are the two African countries that were never under the colonial rule. Sudan is incorrect - it was an Anglo-Egyptian 'Condominium'. The other African country usually thought of as not under colonial rule is Liberia. (independent 1847).

Did the Japanese colonized Philippines first or America?

The Japanese never had a colony in the US. Many individuals came to the US as immigrants through the years.

Who colonized the US in 1565?

The US was colonized by the Britain.

Who is the Ambassador to the US for Liberia?

Jeremiah Sulunteh is the Ambassador to the US for Liberia.

Which country colonized Liberia?

The United States, in that it was the destination of African Americans who went back to Africa as well as the those slaves freed before reaching the US once brining in new slaves was criminalized.

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Who colonized Philippines?

SpainEnglandAmericaJapanThese countries colonized us in order.If you do not believe that the England colonized the Philippines because it is rarely or not talked about, it is because the British Empire only colonized us for 2years.

Why was Liberia formed in Africa?

Liberia was founded in 1821 It was founded so that the freed slaves from the US could have somewhere to live.

How long Japan colonize the Philippines?

Japan colonized us from 1941 to 1945.

Can you travel from Liberia to us?

Yes, if you hasve a US visa.

What happened after japan was colonized?

Japan was never colonized. It was occupied briefly by the US after WW II.

When did The US adopt the English system?

When we colonized.