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This is variable, depending on many circumstances.

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Q: How many years would you stay in jail if you destroy a home?
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How much jail time do you get for home invasion?

15 years

Can you go to jail when your 4 years old?

no, you can't because it would be cruel ,but when the child was a few years older they would probably go to some sort of Children's home or orphanage

What happens when somebody starts selling crystal meth?

They destroy lives. Make a lot of money or get caught and spend years in jail.

How much jail time for attempt robbery?

if you rob you would be in jail for 20 or 40 years

How long would you be in jail if you beat someone unconscious?

5 years

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Your Answer: 2000 Light Years From Home

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Would you go to jail or be conciderd a runaway if you left home at 17?

You would be considered a runaway and anyone helping you would commit a crime. Jail or not depends on if you do anything illegal on the way and what the laws in your state are.

Do i wait 7 years from the actual arrest or 7 years from the day i was sentenced?

I think that you would be in jail seven years after sentence

How long would you person go to jail if you smoked cigars at 10 years old?

They wouldn't put you in jail, but you'd probably get probation.

Where is Casey Anthony going jail or home?

It depends on the sentencing for the charges that she was guilty of--lying to the police. Supposedly, it could be up to four years, but she has already been in jail for three.

How do you destroy the satillite in poptropica?

you can't, you can only put the bald guy in jail