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Q: How many years years was it when the Saxons were finally crushed by Charlemagne?
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How was confederation finally achieved?

Confederation was achieved as a result of long discussion and debate. Ultimately it was compromise that created the Confederation. That confederation has lasted almost 250 years.

How many wives did Charlemagne have?

Charlemagne had 4 wives and 18 children.Depending on how you count, the answer could be four, five or ten. Officially, Charles the Great (Charlemagne) was a Christian under the authority of the Pope, and he was therefore allowed only one wife at a time. Unofficially, he kept to pagan habits that allowed him extra women.His first known companion was Himiltrude, who is described as a Friedelfrau. This was probably something like a morganatic wife, i.e. of higher status than a concubine because he could not have another wife while he had her, but she still did not have the full rights of an official wife. Himiltrude bore Charlemagne two children, but he put her aside in order to marry Desiderata.His four official wives were:1. Desiderata of Lombardy. This marriage was annulled after only a year.2. Hildegard of Vinzgouw. She died after twelve years, having borne him nine children.3. Fastrada, who died after ten years. She bore him two children.4. Ludgarda, who also died in his lifetime. She was childless.His five known concubines were:1. Gerswinda, who had one child.2. Madelgard, who had one child.3. Amaltrud of Vienne, who had one child.4. Regina, who had two children.5. Ethelinda, who had two children.There may have been other concubines, but probably none who had children.

How long did the Anglo saxons live for?

They've never left. They arrived in the 5th century and became part of the "English" in the 9th/10th century. The period of their rule came to an end with the Norman invasion of 1066 but like much of the nations mongrel history they just merged becoming Anglo-Norman. While the ruling class was Norman and then Anglo Norman the underlying people were considered mostly descended from Anglo Saxon (although Jutes, Norse and Celts are all mixed in there as well) and the term has stayed with England. As you can see from the above, we're just a crazy mixed-up, yet fantastic nation!

What was the first continent name?

The earliest continent currently theorised to have existed was Ur about 3 billion years ago. About 1.8 billion years ago Arctica, Baltica and East Antarctica merged forming Nena. Then about 1 billion years ago Nena, Atlantica, and Ur collided forming Rodinia which held together for about 750 million years. Finally about 300 million years ago Pangaea formed from Avalonia and Laurentia and was itself broken into Gondwana and Laurasia about 100 million later.

Who was the king of the franks from 768 to 814?

Charles became king over half the kingdom of his father (Pepin II, more commonly known as Pepin the Short) in A.D. 768, and three years later over the other half as well, when his brother died. Then on Christmas Day in A.D. 800, he was crowned by the Pope in Rome as the first Holy Roman Emperor. He is known to history as Charlemagne the Great. He died in A.D. 814.

Related questions

Was Charles the Great A Saxon?

Charles the Great, or Charlemagne, was King of the Franks from 768 AD to his death in 814 AD. He was not a Saxon, but fought against them and conquered the Saxons who lived in Europe during his lifetime. He did not conquer the Saxons who had migrated to the island of Great Britain several hundred years earlier.

What happened to Charlemagne in AD?

Charlemagne subdued Aquitaine and Gascony in south-western France. He fought against the Lombards in Italy to help the pope and took over their kingdom. He took control of the Spanish side of the Pyrenees mountains. He fought against the Saxons and conquered northern Germany. Pope Leo III faced a rebellion in Rome. He was imprisoned in a monastery, but he managed to escape. He then went to see Charlemagne who intervened in his favour and wet to Rome. In Rome Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Romans. Charlemagne ruled his empire for 14 years and fell ill with pleurisy and died.

How old is Charlemagne?

Charlemagne was born on April 2, 742 and died on January 28, 814. Charlemagne would have been 71 years old at the time of death or 1273 years old today.

How many years did Charlemagne ruled?

From the years 768 - 814.

Were the Saxons in the medieval times?

Yes. There were different areas of the Middle Ages called Saxony. The Saxons were a group of people who lived in northern German in the Middle Ages. They occupied a large part of northern Germany, and were very warlike. They fought against Charlemagne for years, until he subdued them and forced them to become Christians. Some of the Saxons had already migrated to Britain before this time, and were part of the ruling culture of England. In the 10th century, duchies were granted in the Holy Roman Empire for Saxony. These included lands of the Saxons, but also other lands in central Germany which had dukes of Saxon descent. So Saxony of modern Germany is rather far from the northern German coastal areas where the Saxons originated.

How long did Charlemagne rule?

768 - 806 38 years

How long did the Anglo Saxons rule?

The Anglo-saxon ruled for 600 years

How did Charlemagne bring order to France?

years of feudalism in France

Was Charlemagne's death a factor that caused the Fall of the Roman Empire?

No, it was not. Charlemagne died about 340 years after the fall of the western part o the Roman Empire.

At what age did Charlemagne become king?

Charlemagne became King of the Franks in 768 when he was 26 years old and he reigned till his death on January 28, 814.

How long did Charlemagne rule as the empire of the Holy Roman Empire?

Charlemagne ruled the Holy Roman Empire from December 25, 800 to January 28, 814.

Where did Charlemagne live during the last years of his life?

in Aachen, now that's in Germany