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Q: How may muscles do slugs have in their body?
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How do slugs support their body?

Their bodies are supported by powerful muscles inside of them, and what is known as a hydrostatic skeleton that is comprised mostly of water. This pressure is used to help support the snails body.

What are invertabrates called?

Insects, spiders, crustaceans, and anything with an exoskeleton.

10 examples of mollusks?

tusk shells, slugs, octopus, snails, mussels, squid

How many muscles do you have in your body?

There's no exact count of the number of muscles in human body but according to the expert, there are 639 muscles and some of them said more than that.... am not an expert but just a wild guest 653 (hehehe)

Do slugs run fast?

Slugs don't run. They slither by moving muscles in their "foot" that cause a forwards movements. They are one of the slowest moving creatures on Earth.

What body part do slugs eat with?

Their mouths.

How do sea slugs move?

They move by using their soft body and muscular foot.

What animals belongs to mollusks?

clams, oysters, muscles, snails, slugs, squid, octopus, etc

What is body muscles or stronger?

Body muscles

What country did snails come from?

Snails are a VERY old lifeform. They are an important evolutionary step up from the worms, and invented the shell. This invention means that they are very early in having a rigid body shape, and which may be used as protection, and as a place to which muscles may be attached. Even garden slugs still have a tiny bit of shell inside their body. There is no identifiable country or continent that could be considered their original home.

Does the body have more smooth muscles or skeletal muscles?

The body has more skeletal muscles.

What types of muscles are found in the body?

There are three types of muscles found in the human body. The muscles found in the body are the visceral, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.