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Q: How may vacation days did George H.W. Bush take in office?
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Who has taken the most vacation days in their first 3 years in office George Bush or Obama?


Which president took the most vacation days?

George W. Bush

Which US president took the most vacation days?

George w. Bush

How many days was George Bush on vacation during his time as president?


How many vacation days has obama had?

Including his August 2011 vacation, 66 days. [BTW, George W Bush had taken 180 vacation days at this point in his presidency.]

How vacation days has George W. Bush taken as president?

Within his first 6 months I believe 48% of his term was on vacation. Just check to be sure.

How many trips did George W. Bush take while president?

During 2 terms as President, Bush spent all or of part of 477 days at Camp David, on retreats and made 77 trips to his Crawford Ranch, in Texas, where he spent all or part of 490 days, on his Ranch. The total number of days of vacation or retreat President Bush took, while in office over a period of 8 years was 967 days, or 32% of his total time in office, was spent on vacations or retreats.

How many vacation trips has barack obama taken while in office?

While we do not yet have the numbers for the year 2012, we do know that President Obama spent 78 vacation days from 2009 (when he took office) to the end of 2011. By comparison, at the three year mark into their first terms, President George W. Bush spent 180 vacation days at his ranch in Crawford, Texas and President Ronald Reagan spent 112 vacation days at his ranch in California.

What is George H. W. Bush doing these days?

he is reading

How does Obama vacation days compare to Bush vacation days?

This is Mr. Obama's 9th vacation since taking office. As of August 19, 2010, he has spent all or part of 38 days on "vacation" away from the White House. He has also made 14 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 32 days. It brings his total time away to all or part of 70 days. It's less than the "vacation" time taken during the same period by his immediate predecessor. As of this point in his 1st term, Mr. Bush had made 14 visits to his Texas ranch spanning all or part of 102 days. He also made 40 visits to Camp David spanning all or part of 123 days. His "vacation" total at this point in his presidency was all or part of 225 days away.

How many vacation days did Clinton take while in office?

Mr. Clinton took a total of 174 vacation days during his eight years in office. Some chain e-mails that say he took as many as 600 are false.

Name the 6 oldest presidents and there age on there last days of office?

77 - Ronald Reagan70 - Dwight D. Eisenhower69 - Andrew Jackson69 - James Buchanan68 - Harry Truman68 - George H. W. Bush