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For businesses, one thing that spreadsheets are often used for is forecasting or seeing what would happen in certain situations, often referred to as What-if analysis. Businesses need to know things like whether they have made a profit or not, and that may then decide as to what they can then do. If you make profits you can invest, but if you have not made a profit then you can't. Logical functions are based on conditions and seeing if a condition is true or false. So if it is true that you have made a profit, then you can invest. So to just simply see if you've made a profit, where your final balance is in cell D50, you could use and IF function like this:


All that would do is print the word Profit or the word Loss, but in a more sophisticated spreadsheet you could replace those with some more complex action.

The IF function is the most commonly used logical function, but there are others that can be used enabling you to do much more complex things. You could make them decide on different actions depending on the amount of profit you make, or work out if you can afford to increase wages or start investing in new ranges or whether you could open a new premises.

There are so many things that you could do it is impossible to list them. Each kind of business will have its own requirements for them. In short, anywhere you need to make a decision based on some criteria or other, you can use logical functions.

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Q: How might I use Logical function in Excel in a business?
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