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Q: How might infusing dyes into cells be a useful tool for diagnosing anor treating deseases?
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How might infusing dye into cells be a useful tool for diagnosing or treating diseases?

It helps scientist see the disease better so that they can diagnose it

How useful is Marijuana to the human body?

No, it is not bad for the body it is considered a medicine for patients with such deseases, cancer, glacoma, aids...etc

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This test is particularly useful when diagnosing a person with symptoms of SLE, an illness that affects many body organs and tissues.

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Blood tests or other laboratory tests are not useful in diagnosing lice infestations.

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it slows down brain impulses

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Imaging studies are useful in locating specific areas of abnormal tissue in the liver.

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a third degree AV node block

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Radium is used today to treat Cancer and other medical caused deseases. It is also used in watch hands and gauges in airplanes. Radium is RADIOACTIVE and is not something to mess with.

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particularly useful for their effectiveness in treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections

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As it is often accompanied by polyuria, investigations directed at diagnosing diabetes insipidus and diabetes mellitus can be useful. Blood serum tests can also provide useful information about the osmolality of the body's extracellular fluids.

How is cimetidine useful in treating peptic ulcers?

Cimetidine is a H-2 blocker. It is used to lower the acidity of the stomach when treating peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori