

How might the black plague relate to the pardoner's tale?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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It is a silent death.

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Q: How might the black plague relate to the pardoner's tale?
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How might the plague have affected the outcome of the peloponneian war?

it is because of the black death

How did the nobles get the black plague?

My guess would be servants taking food to them ect. Who had the plague themselves and just didn't know it yet. Also it might have been in the food which might have come from a sick cook.

How might the plague have helped make Byzantium more vulnerable to foreign attack?

Black Death Plague was result of trade. So it destroyed trade, thus city.

What treatments can prevent an individual from getting the black plague today?

Treatments won't prevent the Plague, but good housekeeping practices might (such as keeping mice and rodents out of the house and avoiding breathing the dust from their droppings). After contracting the Plague, it can be treated with antibiotics.

What is another name for the black death?

Answer to "Were there other names for the black death?"Another name for the Black Death is the Black Plague. In the Middle Ages, people called it the "Great Pestilence"' and the "Great Plague." Medieval writers referred to the plague as the "Great Mortality." The term "Black Death" has actually only been used since 1833. AlsoThe names for the 3 different forms of the Black Death were the Bubonic plague, Septicemic plague, and the Pneumonic Plague.Answer to "Were there other names for the black death?"· Great Pestilence · Great Plague· Great Mortality· Black Death· Black Plague· Bubbonic Plague· Septicemic plague· Pneumonic Plague

How long could you live after being diagnosed with black plague?

Black Death could kill you from two to three days. Sometimes it might take weeks to kill you.

How Constantinople Hamburg London Paris and Rome what was common of these locations how might it affect life in medieval Europe?

Plague. Black Death.

When was the first major outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe?

The first major outbreak of bubonic plague in Europe may have been the Plague of Justinian, in 541-542. It might also have been the Black Death of 1347-1351. We not know for sure, which, if either of these, was the first because we do not know for certain that they were bubonic plague, and we do not know that some earlier plagues were not.

What attitude toward death evident in the the pardoners tale might be partly explained by the frequent outbreaks of plague in Chaucer's day?

The attitude toward death in "The Pardoner's Tale" can be explained by the frequent outbreaks of plague in Chaucer's day as people were constantly confronted with the reality of mortality. This may have influenced the tale's themes of greed, betrayal, and the consequences of sin, highlighting the fragility and unpredictability of life in the face of death. The fear of sudden death due to the plague could have also contributed to the tale's focus on moral themes and the pursuit of spiritual salvation.

What 2 plagues combined to make black plague?

Er... I don't think two plagues combined to make the black death, but there were two ways the black death killed. 1. A flea bit you - the bubonic plague. After growing buboes, coughing blood and getting fevers, bleeding under the skin, which looks like severe bruising, appears. This is what gives the Black Death its name. 2. You are talking to a victim and they sneeze. If they don't catch it, you are infected. If they do catch it, you might not be infected, but if they catch with their hand, then touch you, you will be infected. The pneumonic plague.

How did urban conditions contributed to the spread of the black death?

i guess you could say it might but it was a communicable disease meaning that it is spread easily from one another, so bad hygiene didnt really contribute to the black death, that was the midevil people's hypothesis as to what they thought MIGHT be sspreading the black plague.

Why might some historians say that the plague begin in Central Asia?

black death was said to origin in China. In Mongol army camps. It came to Sicily by ships.