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Q: How might these changes lead to conflicts in Europe later on?
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There are several reasons why historians might have written about past conflicts. One reason is that often, these conflicts result in changes for those countries or people involved.

Why might the US want to remain neutral towards conflicts in Europe?

After WWII, and before the invasion of Pearl Harbor the US committed to remain neutral toward conflicts in Europe because they want to be a peaceful nation. In addition, the American people have voiced there opinion asking the US to remain neutral on conflicts in Europe.

What word is the definition of it is open to changes?

It means we might change it later.

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A railroad worker may have experienced many conflicts. These conflicts include the rocky terrain they had to work through for example.

What might historians have written about conflicts?

to entertain greek people.

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Independent nation states developed later in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe because Eastern Europe had little history of self-rule. It had been conquered by Hitler, then the Soviet Union.

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Islam began in the seventh century C.E. I don't know how this might explain the religion's internal conflicts.

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Conflicts arise because of different religious and political attitudes.

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Conflicts can arise during the Project Planning phase for many reasons, but mainly they are scheduling conflicts, as the tasks distribution might not be to the linking of the team members and/or their respective managers.

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We would not be be here today living the way we are living now. Had Columbus not journeyed to the US, America would have stayed wild and uncivilized, probably full of Indian tribes. In turn, Europe would have rotted and decayed due to its political and economical conflicts.