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Q: How more moons does Jupiter have than earth?
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How many planets have more moons than Jupiter?

None no planets have more moons than jupiter and jupiter has atleast 63 moons more than any other planet

Which planet has less moons than Jupiter?


What planet's has six moons larger than earth?

No planet has any moons as large as the earth.

Does Pluto have more moons than Jupiter?

No. Pluto has 5 moons. Jupiter has 63 confirmed moons as of 2017.

How many more moons does Jupiter have than Mars?

Jupiter has 63 Moons, Mars has two.

What connection between the mass of a planet and the number of moons it has?

There is no direct connection between the mass of a planet and the number of moons it has. Mars is less massive than Earth but has twice as many moons as does Earth. Jupiter is more massive than either Mars of Earth and has many more moons that either of them.

What connections between the mass of a planet and the number of moons it has?

There is no direct connection between the mass of a planet and the number of moons it has. Mars is less massive than Earth but has twice as many moons as does Earth. Jupiter is more massive than either Mars of Earth and has many more moons that either of them.

What are the names of the planets that have on moon?

No moons . . . Mercury and Venus One moon . . . Earth Two moons . . . Mars Each of the other planets has more than two moons. Jupiter leads with more than 60 !

Why does Jupiter have more moons than earth?

Most of Jupiter's 63 moons are captured from the outer solar system. The ones that are not are left over gas, rock and ice from the accretion disk that formed around Jupiter when it was coalescing into a planet.

What is the planet with the most moons and how many?

Jupiter. it has more than 60 moons.

Is europa Jupiter's only moon?

No. Jupiter has more than 60 moons.

Which planet has more than 60 moons?
