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Q: How much 10-10-10 fertilizer do you use on lawn bushes?
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How does too much lawn fertilizer affect your lawn?

Too much can burn your grass.

Can too much fertilizer burn a lawn?

YES. The wrong type of fertilizer can burn lawn, too. Read and follow manufacturer's directions.

If 15 pounds of fertilizer will cover 1500 square ft of lawn how much fertilizer is needed to cover 2500 square ft?

I'm pretty sure 25 pounds of fertilizer should do it.

How much 20 10 10 fertilizer per acre?

60 pounds of fertilizer, spread over the 12,000 square foot lawn, an acre is 43,560 square feet or 220 lbs +/-.

What would happen if too much fertilizer and too little water are sprayed onto a lawn?

Chuck Norris would die

How much would it cost for a lawn maintenance crew?

For a very good lawn maintenance crew it would cost a few hundred dollars depending on the size of your lawn and how much work you had for them to do. Adding additional shrubs, bushes, and other lawn work would add onto the cost. The normal cost is around $100-$150 dollars.

Feeding Time for the Lawn?

Depending on what kind of lawn is being fertilized will determine how much lawn fertilizer is needed and what kind of fertilizer to use. A new lawn is not fertilized the same as an old one, nor is a lawn in cool seasons fertilized the same as in warm seasons. Also, the brand of fertilizer and components therein may help determine the best fertilizer for lawns in specific locations. New lawn need special care than old lawns, because the sprouts are not as established, and are weaker than old lawns. New lawn sprouts need extra help getting started. Extra potassium and phosphorus in new lawn fertilizers is important to help produce strong and healthy roots. Newly sodden lawns, or lawns that are plugged or sprigged, can benefit with new lawn fertilizer as well, to help stabilize the roots again. A high amount of nitrogen should also be added, but not as important as the phosphorus and potassium. Weed and feed fertilizer should not be used when planting or sodding a new lawn, because the roots are not yet strong enough to handle their components. Most cool seasoned grasses only need about one or two light feedings of lawn fertilizer to get growing. During the fall, application of fertilizer should be enough to stimulate the lawn roots, but not enough to promote top growth, because soon winter will be coming. In the beginning of spring, however, fertilizer application will promote top growth as well as stimulate the roots. It’s better to apply fertilizer during the fall, because the roots will store enough carbohydrates to last them during the winter and have them growing strong in the spring. Late spring and early summer lawn fertilizing requires added nutrients in the fertilizer. Warm seasoned grass fertilizing works best after a cool seasoned lawn fertilizing as well. Varying amounts of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen is necessary for each type of grass, and the specific amounts are determined by the grass variety, the soil fertility, climate, and the lawn fertilizer brand. Wherever lawns, especially southern lawns, stay green all year, it’s best to regularly apply fertilizer.

How to Use Lawn Fertilizer Responsibly?

Although applying the right lawn fertilizer is an easy way to keep your lawn looking fresh and green throughout the growing season, it is important to understand that the chemical runoff from an improperly fertilized lawn can have a very negative impact upon the local environment. Thankfully, it is not necessary to go completely organic in order to enjoy a nice green lawn. Instead, simply using a reasonable amount of lawn fertilizer in a responsible manner will provide your grass with all of the extra nutrients that it needs while minimizing the amount of excess fertilizer that makes it into the local waterways. Here is what you need to know in order to use lawn fertilizer responsibly. The first thing to understand about using lawn fertilizer responsibly is that grass has evolved to take a considerable amount of its nutrients from natural resources. There are three main nutrients that are included in lawn fertilizer are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Phosphorous and potassium help ensure that the grass in your lawn has healthy roots so that it can get what it needs from natural sources throughout the year. Nitrogen is the most important nutrient to most home owners due to the fact that nitrogen is responsible for the development of chlorophyll in the grass, which gives a lawn the healthy green color that so many people enjoy. The problem that many people encounter when they are applying nitrogen to their grass is that they make the mistake of applying too much fertilizer that is high in nitrogen in the effort to get their lawn green as quickly as possible. While a heavy dose of nitrogen will make a lawn turn bright green for a few days, this overdose of nitrogen will soon burn the roots of the grass, causing the lawn to develop unsightly patches of brown. People then make the mistake of simply adding more fertilizer to their property, nearly all of which runs off and contaminates the water that local flora and fauna need in order to survive. Instead of becoming hooked on an endless cycle of lawn fertilizer, simply leave you grass clippings in the lawn every time that you mow your yard. These clippings are high in natural, organic nitrogen that will not run off from your property and will promote healthy green grass. Under ideal conditions, synthetic lawn fertilizer should only be used once in the fall and once in the very early spring.

If 15 pounds of fertilizer will cover 1500 square feet of lawn how much fertilizer is needed to cover 2500 square feet?

ooooo wise wiki user once said." 25", SO GO LIKE THE WIKI USER POST

How much fertilizer for holly bushes?

Go to your local home store and pick up a product which is called Holly Tone. The spread rate is on the back. This is the best product that I have found for any everygreen shrub.

What is the independent variables of fertilizer to plants?

How much fertilizer will be used and what kind of fertilizer.

How do you apply fertilizer to your lawn?

We use a two wheel spreader cart. We buy bags of dry fertilizer and spread it on the lawn preferably right before a rain. The spreader carts are easy to push and easy to adjust for application strength. The bags tell you how much to put on and when to apply it. Just make sure you wash the cart out when you're done with it and let it completely dry before you store it away. Fertilizer can rust metal very quickly. Hope this helps. Good Luck and Good Day!