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Q: How much Iron does one hamburger have?
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What percentage of the iron in a hamburger is nonheme iron?

Sixty percent of the iron found in a hamburger is classified as nonheme iron. Plants contain nonheme exclusively. Meat contains both nonheme and heme iron.

How much one hamburger cost in 1985?


How do you say much is a hamburger in french?

This is how to ask: How much is a hamburger? In French:Combien coûte un hamburger?

How much weight will you loose eat 1 hamburger a day only?

If you are asking how much weight will you "lose" by eating only one hamburger a day, the answer depends on several factors, including, how active are you, how big is the hamburger, and how much overweight are you. If you are asking how much weight you will "loose," then that only concerns the size of the hamburger.

How much does it cost McDonald's to make one hamburger?

30 cents

Which of the following foods provides iron in the most absorbable form?


How much potassium in a Burger King original sandwich?

For every .3oz of beef there is 2.6mg of iron. Speaking in terms of a Burger King hamburger, it would be very little. Their hamburgers contain soy, and soy reduces the absorption of iron by nearly 60%. You could pretty much say that the amount of iron you will absorb from a Burger King hamburger, is very little, to none.

How much is a hamburger at hamburger hamlet restaurant?

It is regularly the price of your head

How much is a hamburger at McDonald's?

Depends what hamburger, it can be anywhere to $1-7 including tax.

How much does a hamburger cost 2011?

It depended what kind of hamburger you got and where you went in 2011.

How many cups of hamburger into a one pound?

how much is two thirds a pound of hamburger converted to cups?

How many calories are in one Hooter's hamburger?

One Hooters' hamburger with condiments is about 515 calories.