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Q: How much Pressure can a Tsunami give?
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Related questions

About what is the air pressure during a tsunami?

Air pressure is not a factor in tsunami formation. Tsunamis usually originate from undersea earthquakes and landslides.

How is a tsunami wave detected?

A tsunami wave can be detected by a wave gauge and pressure monitors.

What is the average water pressure of a tsunami?

It will be different according to how big the tsunami is. There is no simple answer to your question.

Was there lots of food and water left after 2004 tsunami?

No, there was not much food. people had to give out food for free.

Why did some of the houses get destroyed in the tsunami in japan?

It got destroyed because the force or pressure of the tsunami was too strong.

What is information about earthquake or tsunami in Hindi with picture?

tsunami came in many places give information

When tsunami most likely to occur?

when two plates move inside the earth and build up pressure and then the pressure s released causing an earthquake. after the earthquake if it big enough then it will cause a tsunami

Does it rain when there is tsunami?

it is unrelated. a tsunami happens when the tectonic plates under the seabed moves and creates a hole. this movement creates a difference in pressure and hence the water goes in inside the hole. as the pressure builds in inside the hole, a large body of water bursts out. That is a tsunami rain happens when the water vapor in the cloud is too much and because of condensation, the water vapor drops as rain. it is unrelated.

What is one cultural fact in Chile or about Chile?

The tsunami that happen in Japan all the wind and water went to Chile causing and Earthquake from so much pressure.

What are seismic waves and what information information do they give about earthquakes?

Earthquakes are when the seismic plates on the earths crust move after pressure from on another is exceeded, seismic waves are produced after an earthquake, and can turn into a tsunami.

How does a tsunami cause devastation in a community?

Well, a tsunami can devastate an area very quickly. Due to earthquakes, the vibrations cause the earth under the ocean to move, creating a tsunami. A tsunami can be as high as a basketball pole, streetlight, etc. A tsunami also has pressure behind it, so with the earthquake vibrations, speed, height, and pressure, it can quickly wipe out an area. After it hits a community, everything is washed away and destroyed due to force. Hope this helped!

What is the definition of a video tsunami?

There is no definition of a video tsunami. However, a tsunami is a very large wave that builds up enough pressure, and enough water to potentially harm people. One can see videos of tsunamis on YouTube.