

How much air will stop radiation?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: How much air will stop radiation?
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No there is to much radiation in the ground and in the air,you will have to wear a radiation proof mask and if you go there without a radiation mask your sol,I'm just telling you don't go there or you will die from the chemicals there.

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A lot of things, but I think you might be referring to which form of radiation since this is the classic answer as to what would stop Alpha radiation. Furthermore tinfoil would stop alpha and beta radiation and lead would stop alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

What radiation can be stopped by beta?

A few cms. of air or gas and a few mm of a liquid as water and a metal foil may stop the beta radiations.

Can the radiation in a smoke detector escape?

No, the radioactive sources in smoke detectors emit alpha particles. These are very weakly penetrating and are stopped by a few centimetres of air, therefore the plastic casing of the detector is sufficient to stop any radiation.

When will an unstable nuclide stop emitting radiation?

An unstable nuclide will stop emitting radiation when the forces in the nucleus are balanced, until they become stable.

What we can do for radiation exposure?

help me to stop it. It is pulsed radiation that comes into my home and onto my property .

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How em waves travel in air?

Electromagnetic radiation travels freely through air, much as it does through a vacuum, as air is not very dense. However, the speed of light through air is slightly reduced.

Why is alpha radiation so deadly to humans?

It is only deadly if ingested. The skin will stop alpha radiation. It does not have much penetrating power. When inside the body it can cause cellular damage which can lead to cancer.

Do airplanes give off radiation?

No. Airplanes, by themselves, emit no more radiation than ore objects. When you fly you are exposed to additional radiation due to your altitude. This radiation is "ionizing" because it changes the structure of the atoms in your body. The radiation you receive flying is because you are higher above the ground and, therefore, have less air between you and space. Space bathes the Earth with radiation all of the time and air can stop some of it, as can any other object radiation passes through, such as your poor body. Air travel does not pose a health risk for anyone, normally. If you are an astronaut or a pregnant flight attendant, you might want to ask a doctor first. Otherwise, you will be quite safe.

When atoms are moved by radiation in what direction do they move?

radiation can travel through air

What can stop beta radiation particles?

Certain types of plastic can be used to form an efficient barrier for dealing with high-energy beta radiation. Many acrylic sheets effectively protect individuals from exposure to beta radiation. While lead is a good standby, in some cases, lead is ineffective in stopping beta particles because it can produce secondary radiation when passing through elements with a high atomic number and density.