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Q: What material is frequently used to stop radiation?
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Related questions

How is radiation used in the making of bombs?

The radiation comes from the material used.

Which material can best stop gamma radiation?

The material that is most usually used to stop radiation is lead. Lead is composed of large atoms, being a heavy element with a high atomic number, and it is therefore quite opaque to radiation of all sorts. There are many other heavy elements which can stop radiation, however, lead is the most easily available. You can use platinum as well, but it is thousands of times more expensive than lead.

What materials would stop X rays from passing through them?

This is a very difficult question to answer as it does not specify the type of radiation. As different materials react differently to different types of radiation it is essential to know the type of radiation.

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Why is lead used in the walls of x ray rooms?

lead can stop the radiation from getting outside the room lead can stop the radiation from getting outside the room

What can stop a gamma ray?

Nothing stops 'Gamma' rays, however you can block it with 1/2" of lead will prevent 1/2 of the radiation and then it will continue until it is and insignificant amount to record. Hope this was helpful.

What specific property of nuclear radiation is used by the Geiger counter?

It detects the ions that are produced when radiation passes through an enclosed sample of gas.

What ways radiation can be beneficial?

Gamma radiation can be used to sterilise food and other material, destroying bacteria. Radiation in the form of X-rays is obviously beneficial in medicine. Production of radio isotopes used in medicine is beneficial to those who can have treatment either for diagnosis or radiation therapy. Radiation sources have been used in satellites to provide small sources of electricity.

What are spectrographs?

Spectrographs are instruments that separate EM radiation (primarily light) into a spectrum of frequencies and record the data. The intensity of radiation at the different frequencies can be used to ascertain information about the source of the radiation or the material through which it is passing.

Why is a power plant bad for the environment?

Nuclear power plants are bad for the environment because of the unpreventable release of radioactive materials. What many people forget is that radiation is energy, not a material. A material that emits radiation is called radioactive material. Back to the point, radiation causes long-term effects and can pollute almost everything. Water is used to cool reactors and when it leaks into the environment, radiation poisoning is usually the effect. Radiation that comes from the power plant itself can poison surrounding plants, animals, and people. Effects from high radiation exposure (the sun emits radiation) are radiation poisoning, cancer, brain damage, birth defects, infertility, etc.

A sentence for the word resistor?

the material we used is resistor because it did`t stop flowing.

Why is sound - absorbent material is used on the walls in auditoriums?

Sound absorbing material is used in the walls of auditoriums to stop undue reflection.It is also used in offices,aeroplanes,hospitals and factories to cut down noise.