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Q: How much alcohol is oxidized in one hour?
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How much alcohol can you consume in one hour?

3 beer

How much blood alcohol can your body eliminate in one hour?

It depends on your weight

How much time is required by the liver to process the alcohol in a typical drink?

About one hour

How long does alcohol stay in your body?

It depends on how much you have had. Your body gets rid of one unit of alcohol per hour

How long to metabolize alcohol?

It takes the liver approximately one hour to metabolise one ounce of alcohol. It would take approximately 6 hours to eliminate 6 ounces of alcohol.

How long does alcohol stay in your blood?

AnswerIt depends on how much. They say wait one hour per beer. One beer is about twelve percent alcohol. If you sleep for eight hours, most of it's gone, but if you had more than your share, you could wake up drunk. Alcohol is metabolized at about 0.015 of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) per hour.

How much drinks can your liver remove in an hour from your body?

1/3 - /12 ounce of pure alcohol.

How much is a minor in possession of alcohol ticket in South Carolina?

Just got one an hour ago for 1,092.50

How is alcohol detoxified in the body?

Alcohol is only removed or detoxified from the body by time. About one ounce of alcohol takes about one hour to be removed from the body.

The liver can oxidize about how much alcohol per hour?

The amount found in standard servings of beer, wine and liquor (.06 oz).

How long does it take to lose one unit of alcohol?

It takes approximately one hour for the liver to metabolize one unit of alcohol.

How long does it take for alcohol to leave your blood alcohol content?

One beer or one oz of liquor takes one hour