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Q: How much ants would an anteater eat if an anteater could eat ants?
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How much ants could an anteater eat if an anteater could eat ants?

they can eat ants.

You are an ant Convince an anteater to not eat you?

in the autumn days,the ants goes out and collects food to eat in the winter and i was one of them. I went into the forest then I found little bread crumbs I picked it up and was about to go back but I forgot the way back. I wondered around in the forest I saw something move my heart was beating very, very fast then I turned around. I saw an anteater! I was so scared. I begged the anteater not to eat me. The anteater said if I give a valueble reason he will let me go. I said there must

How much does and Aardvark eat?

tons of things, they sometimes eat ants like an anteater

Are armadillos and anteater the same thing?

no anteaters are much bigger than armadillos. anteaters eat ants and armadilos dont. plus armadillos have a hardshell to protect them from predators :D

How anteater eat ant?

The same way they eat anything else. You may find the notion disgusting, but that's more a sign of the culture you've been raised in than anything else. Some people eat grubs, slugs, snails, insects larger and much "juicier" than ants, raw oysters, raw fish, raw beef, the salivary glands of sheep, chopped up lungs mixed with oatmeal... ants aren't even close to the top of the "ewww, that's gross" list.

What do army ants eat in the rain forest?

That depends are you asking what they eat or what they are eaten by? >If You are looking for their predator then it would be the Aardvark, Anteater, Moles, and Some birds. >If you are wondering what THEY themselves eat then they eat pretty much any meaty animal unfortunate enough to slip into a large colony of them.

What would happen if ants had longer legs?

The ants would be taller which could help them in gathering food and tunneling under ground, however they would need that advantage if they were going to take up more space in the mound. Also some types of ants like Siafu army ants use chemical scents that they put on the ground by walking very low to the ground in order to make a scent train while they are transporting the queen so that the ants do not get lost and if they had longer legs then that would be harder and take up more time and if the queen dies somehow then pretty much all the ants will die.

What would happen if ants were extinct?

If the ants become extinct, then technically we messed up BIG time. There are so many of them, if all of them died, we would be pretty much dead too. If we were alive when this happened, there is no explanation of what the hell we did to kill them all and get away with it.

How much ants king lives?

If you learn some English and grammer, I would tell you (:

How do you kill ants and spiders?

You could simply step on them, or use some kind of pesticide. Look at your local home depot to find out what kind of pesticides they have. An exterminator would also work, but it would cost much more.

How much does anteaters weigh?

An anteater weighs about 100 to 125 pounds.

How are ants' jaws different from peoples' jaws?

ants jaw are much smaller and humans jaw are much bigger.