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Q: How much are female condoms?
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What are the difference between male and female condoms?

male condoms are the shape of a penis, where as a female condom is stretchy and flat

Birth control methods over the counter?

Condoms, female condoms, spermicide, the sponge, foam, or IUD.

What are the method of contraceptions?

chemical, such as pills physical, such as condoms (male and female condoms), IUD SURGICAL - vasectomy, ligation

Where can one find female condoms for sale?

There is no such thing as female condoms, but diaphragms are the female equivalent. Diaphragms are available at most pharmacies, and can be prescribed by ones doctor. Pharmacies such as CVS and Rite Aid sell diaphragms.

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Do female condoms really exist?

Yes they do. They are not very popular but they do exist.

Both male and female condoms are what type of contraception method?


Which type of birth control protects against STD?

Latex condoms (male) Polyurethane condoms (female condom)

Are female condoms better than male condoms?

From the functionality perspective, both are better. This is not just another contraceptive sheath but was also designed to fit the female anatomy. Over 20 years now it has been in the market but still male condom is more popular. Overall male condoms have ease of use of male condom. Female condoms are usually made of nitrile sheath as against latex and offers more lubrication.

Are there condoms for girls too?

Here's what WikiAnswers contributors say: * There are female condoms. They aren't as easy to find as regular condoms, and they don't really have any major advantage over regular condoms. * But there are many methods of birth control for women, such as birth control pills/patches/shots. * Yes they have female condoms. It's a ring that is placed in the vagina and needs to be changed every so often. * Yes there are comdoms that fit into the vagina but are used mostly to try to prevent STDs, sexually transmitted diseases. They are not as reliable as other means of birth contol. * Female condoms are also called diaphragms.

Can a cat make you pregnant?

Yes, as long as their partners use condoms.