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Gian't pandas eat a lot, but not that much. 4-5 tons would be about thirty(30) times the weight of the animal.

It just wouldn't be posssible to eat that much in a day.

It's more around 20-30 Pounds.

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13y ago

Adult pandas eat about 40-80 pounds of food in a day

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Q: How much bamboo do pandas in one day?
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Related questions

How much do pandas need to eat to survive?

Pandas need to eat up to 20 or 30 pounds of bamboo shoots in one day, to gain the nourishment the they needs to survive.

What omnivores live in the bamboo forest?

Bamboo is famous for being the main food of beer pandas. Giant pandas eat up to 20 kg of bamboo stems, shoots, and leaves each day. rabbits

What does China do for pandas?

one of the ways china helps pandas is the increasingly large supply of bamboo which pandas need to eat/live and grow.

Do panda bears have sharp teeth?

Like humans, pandas have both sharp, cutting teeth and flat, grinding teeth (molars). The sharp teeth can bite through bamboo (and uncautious tourists), while the back teeth grind the food into a pulp before swallowing.

What can you do to help endangered gaint pandas?

We save the Pandas by giving them a other home which has Bamboo and it is a safe place where no one hunts

What kind of food does a panda eat?

Panda cubs are born in a den and are nursed for several months. Once they reach about six months old panda cubs can begin to eat bamboo although milk remains their primary source of food. Once they reach about one year of age, pandas only eat bamboo.

What do giant pandas do in their free time?

Mostly chew on bamboo, play, and lay around.

How much food is required to feed 4 pandas?

They love bamboo so they would eat alot of bamboo. As much as 80-85 pounds each one eats. That is why they are so fat. Well hope you liked the answer i gave.XD

What positive actions have been taken to help pandas?

Right now, I feel there is not much being done to help Pandas survive. Nobody is planting bamboo trees for them. They don't eat much other than bamboo. ( Their diet is 99% bamboo) There are some Great people doing things for Pandas. For example, World Wildlife Foundation (W.W.F.) they are doing all they can for the pandas. I really hope someday there will be something helpful for the pandas. We need to change and make a difference before they become extinct.

How much does a panda sleep in a day?

Pandas sleep almost their whole day, which in total is about 16 hours. When it is awake, it eats and climbs trees for one of its favorite foods, honey. Pandas do sleep a lot . They are not really active because they sleep so much. They love to sleep!

How many pounds of bamboo can a giant panda eat up to in a year?

To gain the nourishment the panda needs to survive, it will eat anywhere up to 20 or 30 pounds of bamboo shoots in one day. That is 140 to 210 pound a week!

Who is endangering the pandas?

The people in China who cut down bamboo forests to make room for building are. You see, they are endangered because bamboo in one forest dies all at the same time. Pandas must move to a new one when this happens. When humans cut these forests down, pandas have no where to go and starve to death.