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Q: How much bleach do you need to use and how long does it take to destroy a car engine?
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What happens when driving a car with no oil in the motor?

The engine will overheat and eventually seize. This will pretty much destroy the engine if it is driven long enough.

Does bleach do damage to your car if in the gas tank?

This would depend on how much petrol is in the tank and how much bleach. The bleach might be very diluted. Short term bleach won't do much damage, the car may not run, but the whole fuel system should be flushed out. In the long term bleach can be corrosive.

How much bleach is too much bleach?

Depending on what you are using bleach for, it will change how much bleach is too much. Find directions to see what the recommendation is for your usage.

What happens if water gets in your vehicles engine?

Depends on where, and how much. There will be a little there due to condensation, which doesn't really affect things. But if you get a lot of it, it can destroy the oils in the pan, and with that the lubricating system. Or if it gets in the cylinders you can get something called "hydro lock" which can destroy the engine. Or get it in the electrics, and the engine will most likely not run.

How long does it take for bleach to disinfect most surfaces?

Hair bleach does not stay active for very long once it has been mixed. It begins to lose strength quickly and should be used within an hour.

How long does it take to run the bleach out of well water?

Depends how much you put in, but usually about 36 - 48 hours.

What happens when you add a little petrol in diesel engine tank?

not much, it just makes it harder to start when the engine is warm. but diesel in a petrol not start or it wil destroy it

How do you get a three percent bleach from a batch of twelve percent bleach?

Add three times as much water as you have bleach.

How much real bleach is in household bleach?

2.5% to 5% depending on the brand.

How much household bleach should i use to bleach my weave?

DO NOT use household bleach it will dissolve it. Buy prelightener and peroxide.

How long does it take to kill germs?

This website is awesome it shows you items and how to make bleach solution. I tells you how much bleach to put in how much water. It also tells you how long to soak them and if you should rinse or just air dry. Have fun cleaning!!!!

Does L'Oreal color zap have bleach?

yes >.> not much shouldnt harm your hair as much as hardcore bleach