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The average blood loss during menstruation is 35 milliliters with 10-80 milliliters considered normal.

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Q: How much blood does a female lose during menstruation?
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What do you need to do if you lose too much blood during menstruation and feel weak and tired?

Your body is so uniquely designed that during menstruation you don't lose too much blood.

How much blood is made a day?

I know it is hard to believe, but you only lose 3 tablespoons of blood each period. Since menstrual fluid is more than blood, it is also made up of tissue and mucus from the endometrium, the average amount of fluid lost is 6-9 tablespoons. Therefore, you lose more fluid than blood

What happens if you eat iron?

It is natural to eat iron in small quantities because it is necessary to make blood. Iron intake is more important for women who lose some during menstruation.

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If you are cut, certainly

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cause it was a ACCIDENT should you lose a lot of blood during a accident?

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They lose their nucelous.

How much menstrual blood does the average woman lose during her period?


Why do female adults need more iron than males?

Women lose a significant amount of iron each month with menstruation so they need more dietary iron to replace what is lost!

Is there a link between mouth ulcers and menstruation?

i went to the doctors about the terrible ulcers that i get. the doctor said that it is because of the loss of iron, hence why you get them around your period because you lose iron in your blood

Can you lose too much blood during period?

No it is not directly from your blood stream it is really just a lining built up to help the baby but that is a much longer explanationAnother opinion:You can lose too much blood during your period. if your blood flow looks above normal, or youre feeling overly tired or sick a lot during it, consult a doctor.

Can you lose too much blood during your period?

No it is not directly from your blood stream it is really just a lining built up to help the baby but that is a much longer explanationAnother opinion:You can lose too much blood during your period. if your blood flow looks above normal, or youre feeling overly tired or sick a lot during it, consult a doctor.

Do fat women lose more blood during menstruation than skinny women?

Don't think so.. I believe it has t o do with the uterus/lining and each individual person. I am skinny, and I can assure you that I bleed more than 10 fat women put together! Trust me on that one!!!