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Brown sugar is unbleached like the sugar you probably use daily. It only has sugar and molasses, it's the closest thing to natural sugar as you can get without being natural. But even though it may be pretty much natural, it should be used in moderation. If you're making horse treats for example per about two bite sized pieces you shouldn't have more than one teaspoon of sugar, as it gives the same effects to a human as to a horse. Be smart, and just use it to your own discretion.

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Q: How much brown sugar can you feed your horses per day?
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Technically yes, horses can eat golden syrup. However it is not recommended that you give it to them as it is pure sugar and horses do not need added sugar in their diet. If you wish to sweeten a horses feed, a teaspoon or two of honey is best followed by either liquid or powdered molasses. Too much sugar in a horses diet can cause health problems and should be avoid as much as possible.

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No, horses cannot handle the high levels of sugar present in syrups. Many horses have metabolic or insulin resistant issues as well and too much sugar in the diet can cause all kinds of damage, from Laminitis/ Founder to colic, or worse death.

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horses can get very heavy it all depends on how much you feed them

How much sweet feed should you feed your horse each day?

None. Sugar is bad for horses & can result in a variety of hoof problems, such as thrush, white line & crappy walls, amongst other problems.

How much does feed cost in a year for horses?

About $600.00

How much is 10 and a half ounces of brown sugar?

10 and a half ounces of brown sugar is 10 and a half ounces of brown sugar

How much money did Brown Sugar gross worldwide?

Brown Sugar grossed $28,315,272 worldwide.

How much does brown sugar costs?

The cost of brown sugar is going to vary depending on how much you are buying and where you are purchasing it from. However, the average cost for brown sugar is anywhere between $3 to $15.

How much is the price of 1 gram brown sugar in India?

Price of 1 gm brown sugar

How much money did Brown Sugar gross domestically?

Brown Sugar grossed $27,362,712 in the domestic market.

In what way is sugar good for you?

sugar is actually really good for u tynan brown eats too much brown sugar

What does an horse mainly eat?

Horses mainly eat forage foods, such as hay, haylage or grass. Horses doing heavy work, elderly, sick horses or injured horses may need to be fed horse feed(eg.oats, sugar beet, pony nuts etc..) to help gain and keep condition. Amounts that should be fed vary depending on the size, weight and workload of the horse. Always consult a vet or the back of the bag of feed to find out how much to feed your horse. When buying a new horse, you should also check what feed the horses owner has been feeding him and use that feed, gradually switching to a different feed if you so wish.