

How much can a person lift?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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13y ago

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Here's what my high school football coach used as the benchmark for his players: Power clean: body weight Bench: 1.5x body weight Squat: 2x body weight Dead lift: 2.5x body weight Probably less than half of the guys could actually lift that much. I would say for a regular joe, if you can bench more than your weight and squat more than 1.5x your weight, you're not doing too bad.

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14y ago

This really depends on the sort of lift you're talking about, and will vary greatly from 'average man' to 'average man'.

If you're talking about a bench press, Men's Health I believe once reported that the average male (over 18) is 135 pounds (roughly 60kg).

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14y ago

Depending on your weight, if you weight 150lb I would go with 80lb.

For 90 - 110 lb I would say maximum 55lb.

The more your weight is the more you will likely lift without getting hurt.

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13y ago

A male is considered strong if he can bench press his current body weight for 1 rep. Athlete's will typically be able to press their weight x 1.5. Bodybuilders usually press twice their weight.

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16y ago

This depends on the person each person has different limits

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You should be able to atleast your weight ( the weight you weigh ). I weigh 130 pounds and i bench 170, Ive been benching for 6 weeks.

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about as much as you weigh at first start.

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1-90 lb

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