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It depend on many factors, width, thickness length, - type of wood hard or soft and if the wood is wet or dry

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Q: How much can wood bend before it breaks?
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Can branches bend?

It depends on the branch's moisture content. Dry branches break if you try to bend them. The greater the moisture content of the branch, the further you can bend it before it breaks. Manufacturers who need to bend wood, for example when making musical instruments or wooden wheels, put it in a steamer to increase the moisture content. Immediately after removing the wood from the steamer, the worker bends the wood into the shape he/she wants then clamps the wood to hold that shape until it dries.

How can a wood ruler bend?

A wood ruler should not be able to bend. If a wooden ruler bends it is probably not pure wood.

What is a wood bending machine?

to bend the wood it needs to be a flexible plywood so you can bend it. and the way you bend is you get the ply wood and put it in a bended place of how you want to bend it then glue it and something needs to hold it for more than 12 hours. by marten.g

Is wood the strongest material in an earthquake?

No. Steel reinforced structures are best as steel is much stronger than wood but can still bend without breaking.

Is wood reversible?

It depends on how you bend the wood. For example, if you steam it, it is reversible. But if you cut notches, it is not reversible.

What material has the highest ductility a diamond a piece of copper marble or a piece of wood?

Diamond and granite are extraordinarily firm; they will shatter but not bend. Wood will bend somewhat, depending on the type of wood. Oak won't bend at all, while maple, cedar and ash will bend somewhat and willow is quite flexible. But only metals are "ductile", so copper is the correct answer.

How do you straighten a wood longbow?

use force to bend it straight

Is bending wood reversible?

It depends on how you bend the wood. For example, if you steam it, it is reversible. But if you cut notches, it is not reversible.

A mass of 350g is hung on the pece of wood how muck does the wood bend?

That is a very vague question. But some of it has to do with what type of wood you are using, how it was cut, and how long the wood is.

What is the future tense of bend?

will bendAlso going to is used for future:He is going to bend the the wood for the boat today.and present continuous can be used for future especially if with a time phrase.We are bending the wood for the boat on the weekend.

What are the Disadvantages of using beech wood?

breaks when wet

What does the trichonympha eat?

it breaks down the cellulose in the wood and plant fibers; it eats the wood and plant fibers