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Rabbits shouldn't eat any canned pumpkin, or any canned or preserved foods or prepared "human" foods. Aside from their special rabbit pellets, rabbits should only eat fresh, natural foods: hay (lots and lots of hay!) and fresh leafy greens daily (a "salad" of herbs, weeds, lettuces, carrot tops, etc.) -- other vegetables (like pumpkin) and fruit can be offered in small amounts as a treat. The House Rabbit recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of fresh treat foods (like pumpkin) per day for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit.

Sometimes canned pumpkin is given to sick rabbits. A rabbit who isn't eating needs to be force-fed. Rabbits should be force-fed only under direction of a special "rabbit-savvy" vet. If your rabbit is suddenly not eating, go to the vet: in some conditions, force-feeding will only make the problem worse. The best food for force-feeding is a commercial product named "Critical Care" but if it's not available, many people recommend a home-made mixture of crushed pellets, electrolyte solution (like Pedialyte), and canned pumpkin or jarred baby carrot food (these should be 100% natural with no additives -- if canned pumpkin is used, it should be canned pumpkin NOT pumpkin pie mix!). If you have to force feed your rabbit, the vet will tell you the right portion sizes.

See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

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Q: How much canned pumpkin can you feed your rabbit?
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How much canned pumpkin can you feed a rabbit in a day?

No more than a tablespoon. Too much pumpkin can cause diahrhea and/or stomach upset.

Is canned pumpkin edible without cooking?

You can it canned pumpkin from the can, but it might not taste very good. If you eat to much of it you might feel werid or sick. Eatting it can make your stomach hurt a little.

Can you feed a dwarf rabbit carrots?

No, it will get indigestion. Rabbit pellets are much better

What do you feed a dwarf rabbit?

just normal rabbit food, only not as much

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2 cans

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twice a day.

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How much vitamin k is in a pumpkin?

Fresh pumpkin only has about 2.0 mcg of Vitamin K per cup (or 245g). However, the same serving of canned pumpkin has 39.2 mcg of Vitamin K. So, if you're on a Vitamin K restricted diet, go for the fresh pumpkin, and be careful of breads, pastries and pies that are made using canned pumpkin. It's hard to say how much is in a whole pumpkin just gotten from a garden or farm, because the different sizes and shapes of pumpkins mean different amounts of the vitamin in each.

Can you feed a rabbit melon?

Yes, but don't feed it so much as they have a high natural sugar content.

What do you feed a dwarf?

just normal rabbit food, only not as much

How much does it cost rabbit milk?

I don't think you can buy rabbit milk. You can buy cat milk replacer and canned goat milk, either of which can be fed to orphaned bunnies.

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3 1/2