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Q: How much carbon dioxide can a single tree absorb in its lifetime?
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Why does carbon dioxide absorb infrared energy but oxygen and nitrogen do not?

Carbon dioxide molecules are made up of three atoms (CO2), so they can absorb heat. It is thus called a greenhouse gas. Any gas with three or more atoms can capture heat. Oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) consist of a single atom each, so they don't capture heat.

Does carbon dioxide have a single bond?

No. The two carbon to oxygen bonds are both double bonds.

How many carbon dioxide molecules are to make a single glucose?


How are carbon dioxide and oxgen connected?

Carbon dioxide and oxygen are both gases under ordinary conditions. Carbon dioxide molecules consist of a single atom of carbon and two of oxygen. As a simplification, breathing animals inhale oxygen, use it to produce energy from carbon compounds that they eat and exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product.

Can single celled organisms make food from sunlight and carbon dioxide?

Some can

How many carbon dioxide molecules are needed to make a single glucose molecule apex?

6 carbon dioxides!

How many carbon dioxide Molecules are needed to make a single?

None. You see, carbon dioxide, per say, is not used in the chemical formula for glusose, which is C6-H12-O6. It makes use of six carbon atoms and six oxygen atoms, but no carbon dioxide moleecules.

Is Carbon Oxide a compound?

There is no single compound called carbon oxide. There are two oxides of carbon: carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Both are compounds.

Is Carbon Dioxide a single double or a triple bond?

There are two oxygen double bonded to one carbon. DOUBLE BOND.

Is carbon dixoide a noble gas?

No, for one thing the noble gases are all elements, carbon dioxide is a compound. Noble gasses exist as single atoms; carbon dioxide is a three atom molecule. Both carbon dioxide and its constituent elements undergo chemical reactions fairly easily. Noble gasses do not.

What kind of compound is carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide is a compound of carbon and oxygen. It a gas, slightly soluble in water when it forms (the weak) hydro-carbonic acid. When pressurised and cooled its solid state is called 'dry ice'.

Which gas is removed from the body and exhaled out?

The type of gas that is removed from the body when a person exhales is called carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a compound that is composed of 2 oxygen atoms that each covalently double to a single carbon atom.