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every 2,062 miles travelled accounts for 1 ton of Carbon Dioxide emissions per person.

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Q: How much carbon dixiode does an airplane produce?
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What gas makes up much of the atmosphere of Venus?

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How much energy does an airplane engine produce?

The energy does a airplane engine produce is 10 kg of ht?

Do cars produce a carbon footprint?

Yes. Your carbon footprint is the measure of how much carbon dioxide equivalent you, or any of your activities produce. A car burns petrol (gasoline) so its use has a carbon footprint.

Do cars or houses produce more carbon dioxide?

Cars produce much more than houses.

What does the phrase carbon footprint mean?

It means how much fossil fuels you use in your daily life.Each person has a carbon footprint of how much waste they produce.

How much CO2 does a train produce?

On average 258.63g of Carbon Dioxide a day

How much carbon dioxide does an airplane produce?

i hear its around the same amount as a car! A new, full 737 will get about 100 mpg per person. A lot of planes flying now though are older and use up to 30% more fuel than that.

Do all fires produce carbon monoxide?

It depends on how much oxygen there is in the area of where is the fire, If the fire has enough or too much oxygen, there is no carbon monoxide, if there is any lack of oxygen, carbon monoxide is produced.

How much carbon does coal fired electricity plants produce?

65% about Cheers M

How much carbon dioxide does 1 liter of petrol produce?

Typically 2.31 kg.

How much carbon does a home produce?

it depends on the house. there is no set number but there might be an average.

How much carbon dioxide will be produced when one kilo of pure carbon burned?

C + O2 -------> CO2 12g of carbon produces 44g of carbon dioxide 1kg of carbon will produce 3-67kg of carbon dioxide