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it depends on the car. a low-emission car will produce less carbon than a car with bad fuel economy. if a car is idling (not going anywhere) it may produce up to 80% more emission.

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Q: How much carbon emmissons does a car give off?
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What does a car give off?

carbon dioxide

What kind of gas does a car give out?

CO, (or Carbon Monoxide)

What gases are in car exhaust fumes?

Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide are contained in car exhaust fumes. Carbon Monoxide is a toxic gas that if too much is breathed in, you die.

Is there a place on the Internet where you can find out how and where to hook up all the vacuum lines on the engine correctly?

if you go to they havve repair manuals with the vacuum lines you just pick your car and engine and check for the emmissons area

Do they have to give you two keys when buying a car?

Yes. Keys are used to turn on a car. But turning on a car produces huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide.

How much carbon monoxide per year for a car?

Almost none. The combustion in a car engine is nearly complete.

What can car fumes do to you?

Sometimes the back exhaust of a car, as my teacher said, may give off carbon monoxide which can kill you if you breath it too long.

What is carbon finance in relation to environmental issues?

Carbon finance means how much carbon something uses, for example a car require carbon in order to manufacture and ship it and it also uses carbon to run, through burning fossil fuels. If something takes in as much carbon as it gives out it is known as being carbon neutral.

Do cars produce a carbon footprint?

Yes. Your carbon footprint is the measure of how much carbon dioxide equivalent you, or any of your activities produce. A car burns petrol (gasoline) so its use has a carbon footprint.

How much is the Xbox car?

It's not a car. I'll give you an answer when you know what you're asking about.

How much polution does one car give off?

Way too much.

What causes carbon pollution?

a mixture of pollutants such as carbon particulates (CO) and carbon monoxide. But mainly the carbon particulates other wise known as soot.