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Prehistory is any time before there were written records. That is generally considered to be anything beyond 20,000 years ago, even though writing itself is a little more recent yet.

In the past 800,000 years ice core records show CO2 levels barely dipped above 280 ppm once, during a warm spell about 300,000 years ago. We have other evidence indicating CO2 levels have not exceeded 300 ppm in the past 20 million years, up until 1950. Since 1700 CO2 has been steadily increasing as a result of human activity.

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Q: How much carbon was in the prehistoric atmosphere?
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When a carbon atom enters the atmosphere it turns into what?

it should still be carbon, but too much carbon is bad for the atmosphere. Google: "Carbon in atmoshpere" and see why it's bad

Why was carbon discovered?

Carbon is known from prehistoric times.

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Carbon Dioxide at .033% The only other two sources in the atmosphere are methane and carbon dioxide both of which are much less abundant.

How does carbon and the atmosphere interact?

The carbon cycle moves carbon in and out of the atmosphere, the land, plants and animals, and the oceans. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a greenhouse gas that keeps the planet warm. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, from humans adding it by burning fossil fuels, is causing an accelerated greenhouse effect, global warming.

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Yes, but it is much thinner than Earth's atmosphere, and has considerably more carbon dioxide.

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I have no clue. How much do you put in the atmosphere annually?

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What fraction of the earths atmosphere is carbon mioxide?

Earth's atmosphere is about 0.035% CO2. Since the atmosphere is just a thin layer of gas surrounding the earth, CO2 is a much, much smaller fraction of the earth itself.

What country was carbon first discovered?

The discovery of Carbon is prehistoric. You can find it in campfires.

Is there more nitrogen or carbon dioxide in earth's atmosphere?

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