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Don't use castor oil to try and induce labor as the side effects are not worth it, plus there isn't any actual proof that is will work. If you are looking for safe and effective, painless way to induce labor at home then maternity acupressure may be for you. Check out this website, I bought the book, only $29 and it worked great, well worth the cost of the book. I was 41 weeks along, the best part it actually helped reduce the pain of labor and it was well worth the cost of the book to finally meet my beautiful baby boy.

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about two table spoons i took 2 when i was 39 weeks with my daughter. i never had any bad experience my contractions started about 10 hours later. about two table spoons i took 2 when i was 39 weeks with my daughter. i never had any bad experience my contractions started about 10 hours later.

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Q: How much castor oil should be taken at 39 weeks to induce labor?
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Will a doctor know if you take castor oil to induce labor?

Since castor oil doesn't pass through the bloodstream, there is no way for the doctor to tell if you've taken it or not. But I would tell him just to be on the safe side. Hopes this helps! She may wonder why you have diarrhoea (yeuch) but it's not illegal (just useless)

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Is using caster oil to induce labor healthy?

Castor oil is really not recommended to try and induce labour. It often causes vomiting and diarrhea, which isn't something you want during labour. It is also proven not to be effective at inducing labour. Really, the best thing to do is wait for your body to go into labour naturally. If your body is not already in labour, then there is a reason for that, and messing with it isn't a good idea. I know many many women that have taken castor oil to induce their labors (around their due dates of course) and not only did they never have a problem BUT, they also started having contractions anywhere between 2-4 hours later with a baby following shortly there after. Also, I'm 9 1/2 months pregnant now, and every doctor that I've seen as well as my mother (who has been an RN for 26yrs) has told me that if I want to try castor oil "Go ahead". It can not and will not do any harm except cause cramping. It's your decision. Please do not try to induce your own labor with castor oil. It will cause increased cramping and uncomfortableness for you and not worth it. When the time is right, the baby will come. Do not rush it, take this time to rest and prepare yourself for the baby. My sister is an OBGYN. She said that this is an absolute idiotic thing for a woman to do.

How long after taking caster oil can you take it again I'm 39weeks pregnant?

Castor oil won't induce labour - it's a myth. It shouldn't be taken because it can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, neither of which is particularly healthy. Your baby will come when it's ready. Pushing it to come sooner risks prematurity and the complications associated with it. Inducing labor before the cervix is ready increases the risk of cesarian section.

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Will castor oil work if your cerixcal length is 1.5cm and you are at 37 weeks?

No I have 5 kids and NEVER went into labor naturally, I tried castor oil several times and it did not work. If you are 2 cm already walking will work!! It might not work right away but do it everyday twice a day and it should get u going maybe slowly maybe faster but it will work!

Im 41 weeks and no sign of labor will castor oil help?

NO NO NO!!! Do not use Castor Oil ANYTIME during pregnancy! It is a harsh stimulant laxative and yes, it can make labor faster, but only if labor is ready to start on it's own. If you take it too early, it will not make your labor begin, but WILL most likely make you sick. I tried it, and wish I would have taken this warning serious, but like most women stuck at 40 weeks I was desperate. What Castor Oil does is loosens your stools. It causes you to have uncontrollable vomiting and diarreah. You can become seriously dehydrated and whats more is it passes thru the placenta so then you have a tiny baby making his/her first bowel movement in their warm safe home, turning it into a toxic nightmare! I took the max. dose of Castor Oil a week before I went into labor hoping it would speed things up. When I finally got to 7 cm, the doc broke my water and found there was meconium staining (baby had already pooped inside my uterus). This was the scariest thing for us. If a baby breathes in or swallows meconium they can be born with severe breathing problems (the poo is tar-like in texture and causes their little lung to be stuck closed) and even death (it is very toxic to a baby). Thank God my son was born without a drop breathed in or swallowed, but I know several other babies that werent that lucky. Please, give your baby the safest journey into the world and let him/her come on their own!

What to expect after taking caster oil?

Castor oil acts on the digestive tract to speed the process along. Within an hour or two of taking castor oil, you can expect to have strong feelings of needing to void the intestines (i.e. diarrhea). Castor oil is often taken in the last week or two of pregnancy to kick start labor as the intestinal contractions often cause uterine contractions to start. When you burp, it will taste like beans. Depending on how much you took, your next trip to the bathroom could be more interesting than most. Any inflamation you have been experiencing may subside. Drink some water if you think you've taken too much.

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Ipecac should never be used to induce vomiting if the poison is one of the following: strychnine, alkalis (lye), strong acids, kerosene, fuel oil, gasoline, coal oil, paint thinner, cleaning fluid

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i've had two kids and never took a pill during either labor.