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Q: How much charge flow through a light bulb in 4 second when the current is 35A?
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What is an elecrical current?

Electric current is the flow of charge from one place to another. Charge is carried by electrons, so current can be defined as the number of electrons per second that pass through a given area.

What is the charge of a ion that contains 6 protons and 7 electrons?

It is equal to the amount of charge in one coulomb. and is the amount of charge that passes through a common 100-watt light-bulb in about one second.

How do the electrons move through the positive and the negative terminal in a light bulb?

Electrons move across the terminals of a filament in a light bulb in one direction for 1/120th of a second, and they move in the opposite direction for the next 1/120th of a second. Yes, electrons through a light bulb flip direction 120 times every second.

What is lightning and how does it happen tell in oder how happen?

Static charge builds on the clouds. When the charge reaches a high enough level it discharges, sending a large current through the air. The enormous current superheats the air, which expands and contracts (thunder) while it gives off a burst of light (lightning).

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When a light switch is turned on what travels through the wire?

Current flows through a wire when a light switch is turned on.

What is an electric current flow diagram?

This good? the current flows through the battery and light?

Calculate the total number of electrons flowing through a circuit in 20 minutes and 40 seconds if a current of 40 mA flows through the circuit?

The current in a circuit is a measure of passing electrical charge per second. Each electron carries a fix amount of charge. Therefore the number of charge moving depends on the speed of the charge, in this case electrons. In conductors like copper, there are just so many free electrons that they move in bulk slower than snail. The the Cathode ray tube, the speed is at a fraction of speed of light, not many electrons are flying. For actual number, look up speed of electron in copper at room temperature, and multiple the electrical charge constant to get at the current. This must be a standard class tutorial.

What is electrical energy converted into when electric current flows through the metal filament of a light bulb?

Electrical energy is converted into light and heat when electric current flows through the metal filament of a light bulb.

Which current is the leakage current that flows through a photo diode with no input in a light detector?

leakage current itself

What does amps do in a light bulb?

Take the wattage of the bulb and divide that by the voltage of the bulb. This will give the current the bulb draws. Amps are a measure of charge (electron) at an instant of time through a conductor. In an incandescent bulb the filament is heated by the current and the characteristics of the filament, usually tungsten, is that it gives off light when heated.

How fast does current travel?

the speed of light 186,300 miles per second