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I'm not sure about the exact amount, but it is well over a hundred kilograms.

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Q: How much chocolate is eaten a year in the UK?
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How much chocolate does the UK eat per year?

The UK consumes about 605,000 tonnes a year

How much money is chocolate?

The United Kingdom is a large consumer of chocolate. They eat about 605,000 tons of chocolate per year on average.

Most chocolate fingers eaten in a day world record?

The official Guinness World Record for the most chocolate fingers eaten in one minute is 8, achieved by Simon Elmore in the UK in 2009. There doesn't seem to be a specific record for the most chocolate fingers eaten in one day as it may vary depending on individual attempts or challenges.

How much is chocolate industry worth?

The UK chocolate industry is worth over £3.6 billion.

How many chickens are eaten in the world per day?

23.383 million chickens are killed each day in the U.S. for consumption

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Goodfellas claim 250 million pizzas are eaten each year in the UK (date not given).Source -

What percentage of people in England like chocolate?

An overall estimate of people in the UK who eat chocolate would be quite difficult because all these people, at one time or another in their lives, have eaten chocolate. According to an online poll on one website, only 1% of those who responded to the survey did not like chocolate. However, they did not indicate the number of their respondents. Chocolate comprises, after all, a big part of the confectionaries consumed in the UK.

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How much sugar uk need every year

How many tons of baked beans are eaten in the UK each year?

Around .0000054 per capita.

What kind of meat is eaten in the UK?

meat that's eaten in the UK are pig, cow, horse, and also chicken

What was the date chocolate first came to the UK?

It was in 1657, that chocolate first came to the UK, he was a Frenchman, but his name is unknown. It was in 1657, that chocolate first came to the UK, he was a Frenchman, but his name is unknown.

Can I bring chocolate into UK?

The question ought to be why would you want to bring chocolate into the UK from America? European chocolate is governed by much tighter guidlines and is generally considered a superior product.Yeah, well since that's not the question, why don't you try and be helpful and just answer the question?