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Q: How much coke and baking soda needed to make two ounces?
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How much baking soda does it take to make coke explode?

about a tablespoon

How do you make volcanoes without making baking soda?

I think use coke not diet and mentos

How do you make a baking soda?

put a can of coke in the oven at 180 degrees for 24 hours. everyone knows that.

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To make 12 ounces of hot chocolate, 3 tablespoons of cocoa are needed. How many tablespoons of cocoa are needed to make 72 ounces of hot chocolate?

If you have 14.75 ounces how much more to make 28 ounces?

28 ounces minus 14.75 ounces is the number of ounces needed. And that is 13.25 ounces.

How do you make a eruption without using vinegar and baking soda or soda and a Mentos?

open a coke bottle to fast.

How many ounces of paint are needed to make 30 ounces of paint?

If you want 30 ounces of paint, then you'll need 30 ounces of paint.

What can you use to so a baking soda and vingear experiment?

you can make a gernade make a rocket with film cansters anddo a science project about it and with diet coke and mentos

What ingredients do you need to make bubbly acid?

Mixing vinegar and baking soda will give you a bubbly acid. Coke and mentos will also make a nice display.

What are three raw materials to make pig iron?

iron core , coke and limestone are needed to make pig iron

If one ounce of concentrate is needed to make a gallon of liquid how many ounces of concentrate do you need to make 30 gallons?

30 ounces. Roughly a quart. Quart=32 ounces

How many teaspoons are needed to make 30g baking powder?

3/4 tsp