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Q: How much cytotce do you insert to induce labor?
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How can you induce labor or know how much time is left if you are 37 weeks 3 days a loose 1cm 60 percent effaced and having regular contractions?

you are in labor---go to the hospital. if your labor doesn't progress, they will give you a drug pitocin to speed you along. good luck Joymaker rn

How much is a bottle of castrol oil to induce labor?

The midwife will tell you. Only use Castor oil if they tell you to. It gives you diarrhea and it also gives the baby diarrhea so it can end badly.

How can you induce labor or tell how much time is left if you are 37 weeks 3 days a loose 1cm 60 percent thinned and having contractions regularly?

There is no way to predict how much time is left. Inducing labor at 37 weeks is not recommended, as the baby may have complications. The baby will probably when it is ready, & if not, you should be induced at 41-42 weeks.

What can be used to induce a miscarriage if detected early enough?

..i had a missed miscarriage at 13 weeks and was told the fetus was the size of 6 weeks. My doctor told me i was a perfect candidate to induce labor with medication that you insert vaginally. Within one hour i had horrible contractions and started bleeding heavily along with clots. Within a half hour of the bleeding my fiance found me in the bathroom unconcious and not breathing...he somehow got me and my two sons{who happen to be disabled} to the hospital where i spent 3 hrs in the E.R and the fetus was removed. I spent two days in the hospital and was told i had lost so much blood that my organs were shutting down and needed blood transfusions. It took me over 3 months to feel back to normal..i really would consider a D&C over anything that makes your body induce labor.

Can alcohol induce hallucination?

not so much hallucination as much as just being confused.

What to eat or do to help induce labor?

Congratulations on your pregnancy. There are several things that you can do to try and induce labor such as castor oil, sex, nipple stimulation, walking, riding up and down hills in the car and trust me I tried them all and nothing worked. I was 40 weeks pregnant and in so much pain so I know where you are coming from. After much research I finally found an alternative that actually worked and has been proven to work in about 80% of pregnant women. I am talking about Maternity Acupressure. If you are looking for safe and effective, painless way to induce labor at home then maternity acupressure may be for you. Check out this website, I bought the book, only $29 and it worked great, well worth the cost of the book. I was 41 weeks along, the best part it actually helped reduce the pain of labor and it was well worth the cost of the book to finally meet my beautiful baby boy. :-)

How much alloxan to induce diabetes on rats?

by injection alloxan intraperitoneally

If a women has gestational diabetes how early can a doctor induce labor?

It depends on the weight of your baby. If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, your baby's growth will be more closely monitored than if you had a normal pregnancy. The main risk with gestational diabetes is a baby that gains too much weight in the womb due to increased sugar in the blood. If your baby is measuring too big, your doctor may induce labor around 37-38 weeks. Waiting any longer can cause delivery complications and increase the need for a c-section.

What can you tell the doctor to induce your labor?

AnswerHaving given birth twice by induction, I can tell you what they did for me.There are two main ways to induce labor; pitocin given by injection and/or punturing the membrane, also called "breaking the waters". When this is done, surgical utensil shaped like a crochet needle is inserted into the cervix via vaginal canal and tears a small hole in the amniotic sac. This causes the "water to break" and usually induces labor shortly thereafter.The amniotic sac can and usually does rupture by itself when the fetus is fully grown, but this method was used on me because I was at full-term and any more growth may have resulted in health problems for the baby and I.Word of advice: If you plan on having an epidural during labor, ask your doctor/midwife/anesthesiologist to get that going BEFORE they induce your labor. When my labor was induced, I went immediately into hard labor (also called 3rd phase) after my membrane sac was ruptured. I was only 4 centimeters dialated and fully effaced. I went from 4 to 8 centimeters within 1 very painful hour. This can be very traumatizing for anyone in their first labor, especially if they had planned on getting an epidural.I never needed to use pitocin, so you may want to ask your doctor how this process works.AnswerIf you are wanting to be induced before your due date then there is a risk that the baby would be born prematurely. Dates and even ultrasound can sometimes be a little 'off' with accurately dating the age of a pregnancy and/ or baby. 37 weeks is usually the 'official' cut- off point for a pre- term labor but one baby may be mature at this age while another may be immature.It may risk his/her health and even their life if they were induced. It is usually so much better to wait unless there is a good medical reason to induce. Once I was in hospital with a woman who had insisted on an induction because she was so depressed with being pregnant, but she later regretted it. She was more depressed than before and now had an infant in special care as well.As for full- term inductions, I would heartily second what the first contributor said. Artificially induced labors are so much more difficult to cope with. Most labors are painful but somehow the pain is more vicious and difficult to get on top of. It lacks the rhythm of the natural process. At least, it did for me.I was induced with both of my children. My first pregnancy went so smoothly that I couldn't wait to do it again before I had even left the hospital. I had gestational diabetes with both children. Though I didn't have it, high blood pressure may also be another cause to induce labor. With my son, I had low amniotic fluid which the doctor's monitored 2 or more times a week. If it reaches and remains below a certain point, they may induce labor for that reason. It is always safest to push the pregnancy out as close to the due date as possible, but if it becomes medically necessary doctor's may choose to induce. There are many reasons why doctor's would choose to induce labor. If they think the child, or mother's, life or health may be at risk, then they will induce. Inducing labor is not much different from natural labor in that progress can happen in any stage and at any rate. I had two very different outcomes with induction so it varies from person to person and birth to birth.

How much castor oil should you take to relieve constipation?

You don't! This is something that women used to do decades ago, but it can actually be harmful to the baby, and it doesn't work. If your doctor feels you are too far past your due date, he will either induce your labor, or he will do a C section. Please, don't try to self induce your labor on your own.

What happen to the mother if the baby dies in the mother stomach?

This is usually not an immediate health risk to the mother, and typically labor will begin spontaneously within two weeks or so. If the mother doesn't want to wait, or if labor hasn't started within two weeks, doctors can induce labor to expel the dead fetus. (Doctors don't like to wait much longer than that because after two weeks there's a risk the mother will develop blood clotting problems.)

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Demand for labor contributes to how much wages should be