

How much destruction did the atomic bomb do to Japan?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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alot alot alot

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Q: How much destruction did the atomic bomb do to Japan?
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How much destruction is an atomic bomb capable of?

An atomic weapon unleashes the power of the sun.

What are the results of atomic bomb?

Pretty much the destruction of everything in a huge radius.

How much money was saved by dropping the atomic bomb on japan?

200 dollars was saved

What are some cons on the atomic bomb being dropped on japan?

Stopped expansion of Japan in WW2. Ironically, we dropped the A bomb and killed many to save much more.

How much plutonium is in the second atomic bomb?

Nagasaki (Japan) - 9 August 1945 - a bomb containing 6,4 kg of Plutonium 239

What was alternative use of the atomic bomb?

If the atomin bomb didnt work. The preident (Harry Truman) would launch an all-out attack on Japan that I would estimate kill as much people as 20 atomic bombs.

Was japan the first to research atomic bombs?

Who knows which country started on the atomic bomb research first. Japan burned up much of their research. The Germans did the same. The US kept their records but we don't know who started researching first. We only know the US actually finished the research and developed the bomb.

What was japan like after the atomic bomb?

Very much the same as before, except in Hiroshima & Nagasaki where the two bombs were dropped.

How much is a leaflet worth warning of atomic bomb being dropped on japan?

It is worthless because it is a fake. There were no leaflets warnings of the atomic bomb drops. After the bomb was dropped, Truman was quoted on a leaflet as saying that the USA had atomic bombs. I repeat, "AFTER." There were bomb warning leaflets that mentioned cities that might be bombed, but Hiroshima and Nagasaki were never mentioned and the atomic bomb was still such a secret that its name was never even whispered.

The first atomic bomb leveled approximately square miles.?

the first atomic bomb leveled nothing. That was exploded at the Trinity test site. The first bomb used in war was at Hiroshima Japan, and pretty much destroyed everything in a 3 mile radius. That is just over 7 square miles.

How was so much energy released when an atomic bomb was dropped on japan?

An atomic weapon- ANY atomic weapon- actually changes matter from one kind to another, destroying part of the matter. The destruction of matter generates an incredible amount of energy in an extremely short time. It is thousands to hundreds of thousands times more energy per pound than conventional explosives.

Did the radiation improve in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic bomb?

Yes, the radiation was much more abundant after the atomic bomb.