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his brain was cool

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Q: How much did Albert Einstein's brain differ to a normal brain?
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How big was Albert Einsteins brain?

Well the size is normal but what was outstanding is that his brain weighted 5 pounds the average brain weight 3 pounds

What is the size of Albert Einsteins brain?

It weighed about 800 grams

In what museum is Albert Einsteins brain?

National Museum of Health and Medicine

How big was einsteins's brain?

eistein's brain was 15 % wider than the normal man and woman's brain

Where is Einstein?

Albert Einstein was cremated and his ashes were scattered somewhere in New Jersey.His brain may be preserved, see:

Who preserved Albert Einsteins brain?

no one it is just a mythAnswer:Einstein's brain was removed, weighed and preserved by Thomas Stoltz Harvey. The brain was divided into 240 1 cm3 chunks.

Was Einsteins brain not normal?

No it wasn't it actually was very normal. He was actually considered a dumb one in his early school life.

Where is Albert Einsteins' brain now?

Apparently it is in preserved in Princeton Hospital.For more of the story see: shutdown

What was the size of albert einstein's brain?

Albert Einstien's brain was normal size and condition for a man his age. No information as to his genius was determined from the disection of his brain.

Where is Albert Eisten brain?

Albert Eisntein's body was autopsied and his brain disected to determine the cause of his genius. His brain was declared normal. Parts of it are in several loctions.

Did Albert Einstein have a bigger brain then normal?

no... he was actually dislexic.

Are some parts of Albert's brain bigger than the normal human being?

No, his brain was not bigger than normal. Albert Einstein only used much more of his brain than the normal person. If anyone has a bigger brain than someone else, it is only a difference in the body structure, it does not effect intelligence.