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Q: How much did Mitt Romney pay in taxes?
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Where does Mitt Romney bank?

most of his money is off shore in the Bahamas where he does not pay any taxes.

Is mitt romney going to make poor people pay more on their taxes and the rich pay less if he gets electied for president?


What is mitt Romney going to do about taxes?

I'm pretty sure he's going to raise it so we can pay of our debt... (The U.S. Debt)

What is mitt Romney's point of view on taxes?

That everyone would have equal taxing and the lower class would not have to pay more then the higher.

How did Mitt Romney pay for school?

Loans (from his parents?)

What is mitt Romneys goal?

He is making it to where millionaires don't have to pay as much taxes. Which means middle class has to pay more taxes.

Did Romney pay his taxes?


How does Mitt Romney feel about education?

Romney will What_is_Mitt_Romney's_educationvouchers and encourage teachers by increasing pay for those who really help kids

Do navy seals pay taxes?

Everyone pays taxes sadly ROMNEY 2012

How much money did al Capone not pay in taxes?

probably more than the 2012 Presidential Candidate Romney!

Did Mitt Romey not pay taxes?

He payed taxes just like a lot of other americans

Did Romney pay taxes in Massachusetts?

when they talk about they do not talk about Mass.'s about fed. tax.