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Q: How much did hurricane Andrew cost in 1992?
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Where did hurricane Andrew effect the most?

Hurricane Andrew affected Miami the most since it pretty much made landfall there.

How much of a warning did the US have for hurricane Andrew?


How much did it cost to clean up after the hurricane?

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How much money was lost during hurricane Andrew?

About 40.7 billion dollars, in 2009 value. It was the second costliest in US history.

Why did fewer people die in hurricane andrew then in florida 1928?

Well, technology allowed a massive evacuation to be ordered as Andrew approached, unlike the hurricane in 1928. As a result, much fewer people died in Andrew.

How much rain fell during the hurricane Andrew?

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How much damage did hurricane hazel cost Haiti?

It cost them £12645446.87

How much money did hurricane Emily cost for everything that was destroyed?

hurricane emily cost a whooping 24.9 billion dollars

What is the difference between hurricane mitch and hurricane Katrina?

Hurricane Katrina struck landfall as a category 3 with winds around 120 mph caused most of its damage through flooding. Hurricane Andrew struck Florida and the gulf as a category 5 with winds acceding 165 mph. Even though Andrew was much stronger when it hit. The damage Katrina caused exceeded Andrew's cause of all the flooding done because of New Orleans being under sea level and the levee's failing which instead of blocking the water it trapped the water in. The official death toll is 1,836.

What was the costliest hurricane of all time to hit the U.S. and how much did the damage cost?

The costliest hurricane in U.S. History was Hurricane Katrina in 2005 with a cost of $108 billion.

How much did hurricane sandy's damage cost?

Damage from Hurricane Sandy is estimated to be at least $65 billion.

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