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First, the 1930s was the decade of the great Depression, and millions of people were out of work. A small percentage at the top did well, but the vast majority of Americans were struggling. The average person who lived in a big city made more than someone working in a small or rural town. Also, some professions paid better than others-- even back then, people working in finance or real estate had a higher hourly wage (about 78 cents an hour) than people working in construction, who averaged 49 cents an hour.

For example, in New York City, in 1934, the average office worker made about $33 a week. On the other hand, someone who worked on a farm in 1934 could make as little as $11 a week. It should also be noted that white men made more than white women, and both white men and white women made more than black workers did. It should also be noted that what things cost back then was far less than what they cost today (a dozen eggs were about 33 cents; a half-gallon of milk was 22 cents, and a matinee at the movies cost 50 cents); so while it may not sound like much, $33 a week was actually a salary the average person could live on.

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