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Q: How much do angora rabbits eat per day?
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is it how much do your rabbits or rabbit's eat in one day?

it is rabbits

Can angora rabbits eat apple?

Angora rabbits, like all pet rabbits, can eat apple as a treat. Assuming your rabbit is healthy and eating a balanced diet, a small bite or two of apple every few days shouldn't hurt her. See the related question below for more details and helpful links about the rabbit diet. (Angora rabbits largely eat the same diet as other pet rabbits, although they may benefit from a slightly different pellet feed.)

How much fish dose rabbits eat in a day?

Rabbits are vegetarians so they don't eat meat or fish.

Which animal is poached for obtaining angora wool?

Angora is just one out of many breed of rabbits, although it is a domestic breed which has been specially developed for its long fluffy coat and doesn't naturally occur in the wild. So any animal that eats rabbits would technically eat an Angora. Many different species of carnivore (meat-eater) will eat a rabbit if lucky enough to catch one, too many to list. However, some common rabbit predators in North America are coyotes, foxes, raccoons, weasels, hawks, dogs, and even feral cats. And, of course, humans.

Can french angora rabbit eat carrots?

Yes, you can feed rabbits most vegetables. However, don't give the rabbit too much carrots because the have a high content of sugar.

Does the angora rabbit have any predators?

Yes, angora rabbits have predators, just like a normal, short-haired rabbit: foxes, cats, dogs, a few more too. See the related question below for more details. Angora rabbits don't live in the wild, but rabbits kept in backyards are often attacked by wild animals, and rabbits kept indoors are sometimes attacked by other pets.

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How much do rabbits eat a day?

How often do rabbit eat?

Rabbits each as much as 5 times a day or whenever their hungry.

What is in the pellets angora rabbits eat?

Hay, and the other things your rabbit eats daily! Sometimes vegetables, grains, and seeds are ground up and put in the pellets, too; also vitamins and other dietary supplements. Not all the pellets you can buy in the store are actually good for rabbits: some are too fatty or too high in protein, or not high enough in fibre. Look for a healthy pellet! Angora rabbits can eat the same pellets as all other pet rabbits. See the related questions below for details and links.

Do rabbits eat lettuse?

Rabbits will eat lettuce, but don't feed them to much because they could get sick.

How much does a great horned owl eat in a day?

owls eat 100% little animals like mice and rabbits

Can angora bunnies eat celery?
