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Close to 100%. Plants, whether on land or sea, generate the oxygen that animals need to breathe. Some bacteria, for example, are anaerobic - that is, they do not take in oxygen. But most likely, the organic stuff that anaerobic bacteria eat at one time depended on plants to live (or might even be a plant.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The earth does not 'depend' on either.

Should one or both cease to exist then the earth would still be here.

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Q: How much do animals on the Earth depend on plants?
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How much do plants and animals depend on earths atmosphere?

If there were no atmosphere, there would be no plants and animals.

Why couldn't you eat much plants?

You could not eat much because, animals depend on plants and other living things depend on this.

Why couldn't you eat much without plants?

You could not eat much because, animals depend on plants and other living things depend on this.

Why do plants and animals depend on each other so much?

plants provide food and plants provide carbon dioxide

How do animals and plants depend on each other in habitat?

Animals and Plants are very much dependent on each other, they both NEED each other to survive. Animals help pollinate plants, and the plants would go extinct if the animals didnt do that. Plants also provide nutrients for the animals, they are a part of the animal's diet. so it's the circle of life.

Will plants and animals die if theirs no tilt in the Earth?

Yes. The tilt is what causes seasons and the amount of sun that hits the Earth. The sun would hit the middle of the Earth more so the areas higher on the Earth would not get as much so plants and animals would get sick and probably die.

What plants depend on other plants?

Plants provide food and shelter for animals, and as they photosynthesize, regulate the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As food producers, plants are eaten by herbivores, which in turn become food for the omnivores and carnivores. Plants are also the homes of many animals, small and big. Plants provide shelter from predators and harsh factors of the environment, like the hot sun, cold snow and torrential rain. When plants photosynthesize, they take in carbon dioxide and give out the fresh oxygen that all the animals need for respiration. Plants are crucial for the health of all animals. On the other hand, plants depend on animals for nutrients, pollination and seed dispersal, and as the animals consume plants, they regulate the numbers of different species of plants. While plants provide oxygen for the animals as they photosynthesize, animals respire and give out carbon dioxide for plants to make food with. It is an interdependent relationship here. This is not to say that plants do not respire themselves. They do, it is just that the amount of carbon dioxide they give out is not enough for the plants to make enough food with. As such, plants need animals. Also, when animals die, they decompose and become natural fertilizers for plants. Being pretty much immobile, plants also depend on animals to pollinate them for reproduction. And when the fertilized plants eventually produce seeds encased in fruits, animals eat them or carry them along on their fur, dispersing the seeds far and wide, ensuring the continuity of the plant species.

What would happen to plants if there were no animals left on earth?

If all the plants in the ecosystem die, all the organisms that eat plants will die with no food. Then, all the animals that eat only plants and nothing else will die because of starvation. Lots of animals depend on plants to live. Some use them as shelters and some of them use them to hide from predators. Also, sometimes plants like trees give oxegon for us to breathe. Without oxegon, we will not be able to breathe and we will die.So it plants die, organisms and/or animals who depend on plants will die as well.

What is the bestζΊœζΊœηƒin earth?

There are several things that are found in the earth. Some of them include the atmosphere, plants, animals, oceans, mountains and so much more.

How much animals are on earth?

there are affinity animals

What is nature energy?

Much life on earth relies on the sun's energy in the form of heat and light. Without it, the earth would be too cold and dark for living things to exist. Green plants use the sun's energy to make food. Animals and people get their energy by eating animals that eat plants. EXAMPLE: An energy chain: Sun to Animals eating plants and then person drinking milk.

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Moon Rocks are rocks that are on the moon they are made from much of the things earth is made of but it has no nutriance from the animals plants and humans who died