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They do harm the ozone. But the amount is very less.

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Q: How much do cars harm the ozone layer?
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Related questions

What are the effects of ozone in animals and plants?

Pretty much exactly the same as human's. Animals and plants do breathe oxygen too and it is actually our faults for what is happening to the ozone layer because of petrol, diesel and pollution. THE ANIMAL'S DO NOTHING TO HARM THE OZONE LAYER...... WE DO

How do you harm the ozone layer?

the same thing the way you harm the greenhouse. By polluting too much and us not recycling. Thanks for listening hope my answer is alright! :) ;D

Is the ozone hole getting worse?

yes, the ozone layer keeps getting bigger really slowly because of too much polution being sent into the air by our cars, and factories

Which layer contains the ozone layer and what does it do?

This is the stratosphere. There is also ozone in the lower troposphere, but the ozone layer in the stratosphere contains helpful ozone that blocks much of the ultraviolet radiation. Without this layer, life on earth would be very difficult.

How much gas does the ozone layer take up in the atmosphere?

The ozone has very very small amount. It is just present as the ozone layer.

How much damage do cow emulsions do to the ozone?

Runny beef stew has no effect on the ozone layer. Methane from cows has no effect on the ozone layer.

Which layer of earth atmosphere contains the ozone that protects living things from too much ultraviolet radiation?

The lower stratosphere of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer.

How Ionosphere Is Related To Ozone Layer?

It is in the same atmosphere, but much higher, than the ozone layer. No other relationship.

The mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that contains ozone?

All layers of the atmosphere contain ozone. The lower part of the stratosphere contains the highest concentration, dubbed "the ozone layer". The mesosphere is not dense enough to stop much UV-C from the Sun, so consequently not much ozone is formed there.No.

Is the concentration of ozone in polluted areas typically much higher than it is in the ozone layer?

No, concentration of ozone in polluted areas typically aren't higher than it is in the ozone layer.

The layer protecting the biosphere from too much uv?

The ozone layer protects us from ultraviolet radiations. This layer blocks out all the harmful radiations and allows the good ones to pass through.

Which layer of the atmosphere contains ozone that protects the earths surface from ultraviolet ray?

Ozone layer filers the UV rays.