

How much do cockatiels weigh?

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Q: How much do cockatiels weigh?
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How much do cockatiels cost from breeders?


How much are cockatiels at petco?

They are in the range of 50 to 80 dolars

How much do cockatiels cost in America?

$70 to $100 at Petco or Petzoo.

Do cockatiels have parasites?

Yes, cockatiels can get parasites.

How much is a cockatiels wight?

It is like asking how much does a teenager weigh, their is no exact answer. Cockatiel weights can range from 70-100+ grams. If our cockatiel is naturally small-boned, he may be on the smaller part of the scale. And vice versa. Also, males typically weigh more than females, but not always. If you are unsure if your cockatiel is at a healthy weight, talk to your vet about it.

What subclass do cockatiels belong to?

Cockatiels are a type of cockatoo.

What eats a baby cockatiel?

Before they have been weaned, cockatiels can eat wheat-bix and other soft foods. After they are weaned, cockatiels can eat anything that adult cockatiels eat. Cockatiels love lettuce! (Not too much - it acts as a laxative in large amounts). Your cockatiel will also enjoy carrot and brocolli. DO NOT FEED YOUR COCKATIEL AVOCADO OR TOMATO!

What class do cockatiels live in?

Cockatiels are parrots, and members of the cockatoofamily.

Do cockatiels have a lump on their throat?

Cockatiels should not have a lump on their throat.

Are macaws smaller than cockatiels?

No. Macaws are bigger. Cockatiels are only 12 inches long, and their bodyshape on slender. Smallest macaw, Red-Shouldered Macaw, is about the same lenght, but is much more sturdy, and has lot bigger beak.

What do cockatiels smell like?

Yes, most birds have the ability to smell. However, only a few birds have really good olfactory glands. Cockatiels are not one of these. So yes, but not very much.

Can cockatiels live with baby chickens?

No, cockatiels should only be housed with other cockatiels. Not only do other types of birds have different types of diets, but they also have different personalities and will sometimes clash with cockatiels.